Mines and Bats

Life continues in the Mojave Desert despite the skyrocketing temperatures. I have continued my internship here in Needles, CA with the BLM. I have spent most of my time since my last post monitoring mines. I check the bat-compatible gates and cupolas that were constructed to keep allowing bats access to the adits and shafts while keeping the public safely out. In the past, people have vandalized these structures. I am happy to note that none of the structures I have visited up to this point have been altered in any fashion.

Shaft with Cupola


Adit with Bat-Compatible Gate


I have also had the opportunity to conduct or assist on several bat surveys. I arrive about one hour before sunset and sit in the vicinity of these structures with night vision goggles and counters. I count the bats as they enter/exit the mine for about an hour after sunset.

Sunset during a bat survey
I also had the privilege of assisting on a Colorado River mist-netting bat survey. It was a lot of fun! I even got to take a nighthawk out of the net. I will get a second opportunity to river mist net tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to many more fun opportunities as my internship continues!

Nighthawk Pallid bat


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