First week in Pinedale

I am now starting my third week of work at the field station in Pinedale, WY. The first week I was here was mostly paper work and meeting my coworkers. I did get to escape the dull paperwork to do a little field work. Pinedale is like no other place I have ever been. The cold, altitude, and lack of trees takes a little getting used to, more so because I have only lived in South Carolina and South Africa. The beauty of the landscape has something new to offer everyday, but is always breath taking.

I am currently working on three projects. The first is Seeds of Success. In this program we collect the seeds of several species of plants that are important to the reclamation process. The seeds we collect are put into a seed bank to be used at a later date. The second project I am working on is native plant monitoring in reclamation areas. We monitor to see if a certain area has gone through a successful turn over. Thirdly we monitor for invasive plants. WY has a very strict invasive plant program. If we find any invasive plants we report them and they sprayed soon after.

The second week in WY was spent in Rawlins doing mandatory train such as defensive driving, sexual harassment, and other fun things.

I now starting my third week.

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