Eat, Sleep, Breath Plants!

This day marks the end of our first work week as Botanists (interns) with the BLM in Farmington with the Seeds of Success Program. I think I can safely assume this was a reality check for both Jacob and me. We both went to school on the eastern side of the country and have studied the vegetation that exists in moist, humid, wet climates. Well, those species are quite different from the species that exists in the dry, dry, dry climate here in New Mexico. We quickly realized we have our work cut out for us: learning to recognize new species, learning the common and scientific names (which frequently changes), and learning their life cycles. This task is not for the weak at heart or mind. Jacob has a Plant Biology degree, my degree isn’t so specific to plants. Coming into this experience I knew I would have to work harder to play catch up, but I am up for the challenge. I study in the office, I study in the field, I study after work, I study before bed, I study in my sleep, I dream about plants! I also don’t have a social life at this point…

Prior to this internship or moving to this area, I had heard not so great things about Farmington, New Mexico. I heard it was an oil and gas town that has nothing to offer. That could not be farther from the truth. Yes, it does have many wells (about 20,000) and it is considered oil and gas country. But, it also has a rich culture and history with the Navajo Indians and killer views, from petroglyphs at Crow’s Canyon to unique geology in the eroded badlands of the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, and neat towns nearby like Durango and Ouray, which are booming with history and life.

My first week’s impression is this is going to be a fun summer/fall. We work with such wonderful, welcoming, and funny people who know a lot about everything. Although the scenery and weather is quite different from my hometown in Michigan, it is still beautiful, and fortunately it is my office for the next few months. I will definitely miss summers on Lake Michigan, but I get to explore canyons and Aztec ruins, and scenic Colorado and Zion National Park. I look forward to what the next few months have to offer.

Camille, NM

1 thought on “Eat, Sleep, Breath Plants!

  1. Hey,

    As someone who is from Durango, I always found the beauty in Farmington despite its bad rep and excessive oil. I am glad to hear you are doing the same. I miss that region and my heart aches for the San Juans, I hope you have plans to go backpacking in the region this summer.


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