Oh the places I’ve seen….

Going into my second month, I could not be more amped for the work that lies ahead. We have increased our total collections for 2013 from 21 to 33; including Wyethia angustifolia, Campanula scouleri, and Helenium bigelovii. We have really begun to hone in on serpentine endemic and semi-endemic species with some success. We have identified the Darlingtonia californica, and are awaiting the seed to ripen for collection. We have also positively identified the Calochortus howellii, and are in the process to determine if a collection can be made. Dealing with the challenges of working in the field has been eye opening to say the least. It’s become a rare circumstance when I do not return from the field with some sort of bite, scrape, bruise, or an insect hitchhiker. We have been experiencing somewhat of a “heat-wave” across the west coast, and it has been difficult keeping H2O supplies up but we have been making small adjustments; such as trying to get earlier starts when the day is cooler, and it has made a significant difference. 

As I look to the weeks ahead, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride for the contributions the Medford, OR district will make to the program for the 2013 season. Master collections totaling 33, and a potential collections list we are keeping close watch on at 60+ and counting makes you feel good about all the hard work you put into the job. I truly hope everyone I was able to meet, and those I did not, are enjoying the summer as much as I am. Jonathan out.

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