Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

The seed harvest continues here in the Medford District of Southern Oregon, and shows no sign of slowing yet. Our team has already surpassed the initial goal of 60 collections. With each collection being at least 20,000 seeds, that makes 1.2 million seeds so far! More than 100 collections for the year, seems entirely reasonable at this point. The nearby availability of a wide range of elevations, along with an abundance of high-moisture areas, certainly contributes to a sustained seed season in this part of the world. Here are a few of the habitats we have visited lately, along with some of their denizens.

Marsh in the southern Cascades

Cicuta douglasii with characteristic chambered root. Do not eat this plant!

Siskiyou Crest meadow ‘Where the sagebrush meets the stream’

Boykinia major and Aconitum columbianum

Senecio hydrophilus in Cascades vernal lake

Hemizonia congesta and Blepharipappus scaber, together in oak woodland. ‘Won’t get fooled again’

This Cascades fen is home to some fantastic flora…

such as Drosera rotundifolia

Mimulus primuloides, Ranunculus aquatilis, and Gentianopsis simplex

Enjoy the rest of summer, everyone!


1 thought on “Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

  1. Beautiful pictures!!!! Looks like you had an adventure! In Burns, Oregon, the Blepharipappus scaber was tricky to identify as well. Can’t wait to see more pictures!

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