Hello all!
I can’t even begin to describe all the things I’ve learned from my experience in Susanville. But I can tell you that I’m a different person than the one who arrived in June. I had no idea what to expect when I was told I would be working in Northern California. I had little knowledge of western plants. I knew very little about BLM and public lands. And I knew no one in northern California. All of that changed when I arrived at the ELFO and met some wonderful friends who taught me many things.
Now that my time has ended, I reflect on my experience and can’t help but smile remembering all the memories I made. Here are just a few: long bouncy rides in the jeep around the field office, collecting seed on top of mountains, searching for rare plants in Sierra Valley, meeting and working with great people, and having lunch in some of the best spaces. All of the once unknown “fears” have formed into one of the greatest experiences in my life. There were so many times over the last six months I couldn’t believe what I was doing was part of my job. Getting to adventure in all of these beautiful places was a major highlight. Fieldwork has been a great experience and I hope to keep doing it as my career advances. One of the many things I’ll take away from this experience is to do the work you love and keep searching and adventuring until you find it. We all have different skills to contribute in order to get the job done. I will always remember my time spent at the ELFO in Susanville, California. Thanks to Deb (my partner in crime), my wonderful mentor, and all my friends at the ELFO. It’s been so awesome! I can’t wait for my next chapter and the adventures ahead!
All the best.
Carrie, Eagle Lake Field Office