My journey began in Hendersonville, TN. As soon as I had word, I packed my bags and left for the twenty-two hour drive to Buffalo, Wyoming. Driving took two days, and I arrived in Buffalo in the afternoon on June 3, 2014. I was fortunate enough to secure a room to rent with two other interns from the program.
I reported for my first day of work at the Buffalo Field Office at 8:00 AM the next morning. Work began right away. I dived in head first to my first day in the field monitoring grazing allotments.
My next few days of work would be spent on various training agendas. Thursday was GIS training, which I had no previous experience so I was thrilled and overwhelmed at the same time. Friday was UTV training, which I enjoyed quite a bit.
Long hours in the field were soon to follow for the next two weeks, but the experience and landscape views made my work feel more like fun. It is hard to remember you are working when the views take your breath away.
Sara Burns
BLM Buffalo Field Office
Buffalo, Wyoming