Since my last blogpost I have been spending my time out on a part of the SBNF called Grass Valley. I have been surveying for weeds such as Spanish broom and mustard. There are also several Forest Service sensitive and watch list species I have been documenting as well such as Castilleja lasioryncha, Calochortus palmeri var. palmeri, Calochortus plummerae, and Phacelia mohavensis. This part of the forest is lower elevation and quite steep in some areas so I have been having some pretty hot, sweaty days. The other thing I have been doing out there with my coworker is teach the Urban Conservation Corp how to use GPS units so they can use them to map the areas where they have been preforming fuel treatments. They have all been learning so quickly and it is helping me become better with the GPS units to help them as well.
I am looking forward to June 7th when a few of my colleagues and I hike to the top of San Gorgonio on a lichen and plant collecting trip!
Here are the photos of some of the plants I mentioned above.