The field season is picking up here at the Sierra Front Field Office in Carson City. Our days consist mostly of multi-purpose plant surveys. We are out in the Great Basin and Sierras looking for noxious weeds, T/E plants, and possible areas for seed collections. Last week we started chemical treatment for Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) at a nearby area in Washoe Valley called Winter’s Ranch. The Nevada Park Service is lending us their herbicide truck which has 2, 200 gallon tanks in the back with sprayer guns attached which is helping us make quick work of the acreage we have to cover. We camped out at Sand Mountain at the end of last week and were able to collect some sand dune species as well as practice our ATV dune driving skills. It sounds like the next couple weeks we will be very busy with fire rehab monitoring in areas that have had fires recently. I have noticed that my botany skills have slowly but surely been improving and I feel I can I can some what keep up with my more skilled co-workers.