Racing to finish the 2010 seed year!

The end of the 2010 seed year is finally within reach here at the Bend Seed Extractory, and it’s bringing a mixture of excitement and relief.  2010 was the biggest seed year on record at the BSE, more than doubling the previous record in 2009.  It’s been a daunting task and seeing the remaining seed lots dwindle down to a manageable number is a welcome sight indeed.  Everyone here keeps looking at the latest figures and trying to figure when we’ll be done for good.  This is especially true because the deliveries for the 2011 seed year are starting to pour in at a pretty good clip and we’d all like to get 2010 out of the way and start focusing on the new arrivals.

I can’t believe that I’ve been here over a year and my time as a CLM intern is almost up.  The internship has squeaked open some doors for me that could prove very rewarding if everything works out.  Not the least of these is possible future employment with the Forest Service here in Bend, which would be awesome!

This brings up an important point:  Bend is hands down the most fun place I’ve been yet.  From the beautiful surroundings, to the people, to the lifestyle, climbing, biking, hiking, lakes, rivers, mountains, desert, forests and on and on and on…   I’m in the best shape of my life and it’s all because there’s so much fun stuff to do around here.  This is THE LIFE, and I hope I can figure out a way to stick around here for a while!

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