It is raining in the desert!

13 July 2015
The rains have started and the desert is popping!  The northern tip of the Chihuahuan Desert never does get very much rain, but we have seen pretty consistent (if you can call once+ a month consistent) rainfall here since November, 2014. There are plants I have never seen before; mostly because these seeds require winter rains and this is the first time in a long time that it has rained through the winter. The penstemons in my yard are putting out their third set of buds and the hummingbirds are happy.

We learned the protocol for monitoring the Peniocereus gregii var. gregii. These populations were last monitored in December 2013 by the Chicago Botanic Garden Interns: Elisabeth Ward and Kate Wilkins. Here is kudos to them for a job well-done. We appreciate the hard work you did blazing that trail.

Well, the end of the second month is looming and the schedule is getting full. But, we have made a few seed collections and visited several potential populations… and the heat goes on.

Until next month: Have A Great Summer!
Jeanne Tenorio

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