They say that in your twenties you meet alot of temporary people. Immediately that may conjur up a lot of negatives — best-friendships, romantic relationships, the removal of bad vibes and people from your life — but as an ecologist, temporary people are an integral part of our careers. The early stages of our careers are often seasonal and short-term, which is a hinderance and a blessing. As soon as you learn to identify all the grasses on the range it’s time to move on, by the time you get to really know your co-workers – adios the next place is acallin’. We become a jack of all ecosystems (learning a little about each place we visit) and are yet to be masters at any. But, we see some of the most scenic and beautiful places and by understanding how our interactions with nature shape the land, we gain a greater appreciation for where we live. This transient-ness in the prime of our lives allows us to connect with a lot of new people, reshape and modify our opinions, and challenge ourselves in ways we may have not expected. As I enter my last month of working in Burns, OR I’ve been reflecting on how lucky I am that this is one of those temporary places. Therefore, I dedicate this blog to some of my favorite moments.
some of the critters we see at work:
Moments with Friends:
I love this, I don’t think I could have said it better myself. By the time we know the species and the ecosystem we’re off for a new adventure. Thanks for sharing. I spent last summer in Vale, OR also living on a farm, so I can relate to the beauty of it all 🙂