My Internship in Threes

As my time here in Burns comes to an end, I’m reflecting on all of the best things that I’ve experienced over the past 5 months. Without further ado, here is my internship summarized in threes:

3 Coolest Field Work Sites:

1) The Steens Mountains - this view was gorge-ous.

1. The Steens Mountains – this view was super gorge-ous.


2. The Alvord Desert – the playa was so cool to drive on!

3) Coyote Gap - it was exhilarating trying to outrun the rain.

3. Coyote Gap – it was exhilarating trying to outrun the rain.

3 New Field Techniques:

  1. Pace 180 and Step-point vegetation surveys
  2. Multiple Indicator Monitoring (MIM) of streams
  3. Back-country navigation via map + GPS

3 Favorite Place in Oregon:

1. The Oregon Coast - beautiful (and the Country Fair was quite interesting)

1. The Oregon Coast – just beautiful (and the Country Fair was quite interesting)

2. Newberry National Volcanic Monument

2. Newberry National Volcanic Monument

3. Crater Lake - coldest, clearest water I've ever swam in.

3. Crater Lake – coldest, clearest water I’ve ever swam in.

3 Favorite Trips Outside of Oregon:

1. Seattle, WA - an amazing Labor Day weekend.

1. Seattle, WA – an amazing Labor Day weekend.

2. South Warner Wilderness, CA - my first backpacking trip!

2. South Warner Wilderness, CA – my first backpacking trip!

3. Boise, ID - floating on the Boise River was a highlight of the summer.

3. Boise, ID – floating down the Boise River was a highlight of the summer.

3 Things I Learned:

  1. Always be open-minded and receptive. Spend your life learning from others, embracing different opinions, and expanding your viewpoints.
  2. First impressions are important – exude an air of poise and confidence.
  3. Travel as often as possible. The world is so much more vast than you think; there will never be enough time to see it all.

And so ends my internship with the Chicago Botanic Garden & the Burns District BLM. Time for my next adventure!

-Austin Yantes

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