My First Month In Casper, Wyoming.

Getting to Wyoming was an incredible experience in itself but once I got here I got to learn so many new things. We started out by learning the new Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy to collect quantitative information on Sagebrush habitat. During that time I got to meet a few other interns that work with our Range and Hydrology staff from the Casper Field Office, where I report for work everyday. We all worked together to learn the new protocol within the Stagebrush Steppe Ecosystem.


For most of my internship I get to work with wildlife, which is a great experience. I have done a lot of nested frequency surveys to check Greater Sage Grouse habitat. I have also been doing raptor nest and artificial nesting structures surveys during which I got to see many red-tailed hawks, golden eagles, and ferruginous hawks with their young in nests.


I also got to participate in an Environmental Education Day, where I taught children about ecosystems and food webs. This whole month has been a wonderful experience so far and I look forward to the remainder of this internship!


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