In Wyoming it’s a common belief that most everyone who spends a significant amount of time here ends up staying “for the long haul.” While I don’t necessarily believe that’s true, for now I’ve happily become one of those people. After living in the Midwest for my college career I was incredibly excited to land an internship where I can grow professionally in the mountains I call home!
A few quick things about me: Intern at the BLM Buffalo Field Office, at the base of the Bighorn Mountains, doing AIM monitoring for land management purposes. Avid hiker, backpacker, biker, climber, canoer, hammocker, or basically anything I can do outdoors. HUGE plant nerd, which is why I’m so excited to learn more about the Wyoming plants and their ecosystems this summer!
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? So here’s a few photos of places my fellow interns and I have been and the things we’ve seen during the first couple weeks of training.
From left to right, top to bottom:
- Castilleja blooming everywhere during AIM field training. 2) Smiling (and freezing!) faces during ATV training. 3) Watching a storm narrowly miss our line of trucks off the Wind River Mountains. 4) A baby bunny hiding in a crevice on Independence Rock. 5) Cryptantha, a new flower for me! 6) The view from Outlaw Campground, one of the sites we will be working on this summer.