Six Weeks In

I wouldn’t consider myself an eloquent person, particularly when it comes to reflecting upon experiences I’ve had. This perception of myself has made it difficult for me to sit down and write this blog-post. Thus, I’ll try to keep it concise.

This internship has forced me out of my comfort zone in more ways than one. I find myself stumbling upon new plants and wildlife that, as a native east coaster, seem otherworldly. From a political perspective, I am absolutely a minority as I’ve relocated from New York, possibly the liberal epicenter of the country, to Wyoming.

This internship, although I am just six weeks into it, is exposing me to more than just a potential career with a federal agency or as a botanist. It is introducing me to new people and perspectives I wouldn’t otherwise come across. It is forcing me to change the way I discuss the environment and other issues I feel are important.

I don’t want to spend too much time talking about my workday since many of the other blog posts seem to focus on that, but also because thus far, the most valuable experience for me as a result of this internship has been the culture shock of relocating my life to a completely new place. I’ve adjusted plenty over the last six weeks, and I look forward to finding out what the rest of this internship will introduce me to.

E. Grapstein -–Buffalo Field Office, Buffalo, WY

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