6:45 AM: Alarm goes off
7:00 AM: Crawl out of bed
7:15 AM: Leave for work
7:30 AM: Arrive at office, check emails, put on boots, gather equipment
7:45 AM: Leave office to meet youth crew at work site
8:00 AM: Start working with youth crew, pull a ton of scotch broom
12:00 PM: Head back to office to eat lunch and catch up on other office tasks. Talk to supervisor and see what she needs me to do
12:30 PM: Head back to the field. Scout out weeds for the youth crew to work on the next day
2:30 PM: Meet up with the youth crew and check on their progress. Pull some scotch broom. Sometimes I bring popsicles
3:30 PM: Youth crew leaves. Take pulled scotch broom to disposal facility
4:15 PM: Arrive back at office. Put away equipment, check emails, take off boots
4:30 PM: Go home
6:45 AM: Alarm goes off
West Eugene Wetlands