A Whirlwind of a September

September has gone by way too fast.

This month has been a lot of weeding and maintaining our USFS plots and cleaning a TON of thistle seeds – over 50 hours of cleaning! However, with a good audiobook or music in the background, it was a breeze. We’ve also spent more time surveying Dakota buckwheat and getting out in the field to collect Echinacea, Liatris, and Amorpha.

My family came midway through the month. I was able to show them the great town of Lemmon, SD and around the DPG on the first day. Then we spent the weekend in Theodore Roosevelt NP hiking and sightseeing, where I was able to show off my amazing plant identification skills. It was a much-needed getaway and a great time!

A very windy day

The following week as we were driving to check one of our wildlife cams, two dogs came running right toward our truck on the highway. Though they were drastically different sizes, they ran at the same pace which I thought was adorable. I pulled the truck over, and they both hopped right in and made themselves at home! We drove to the closest ranch and the lady recognized them to be her nephew’s dogs. Apparently, they had ran four miles from their home. She didn’t know their names, but I’d like to think their names were Rita and Tini.

We recently conducted an evaluation of the area where a new fence and waterline will be installed in preparation for a herd of bison that will be placed into the pasture (the first ones on the DPG). While driving the route, we stopped by a grove of cottonwoods where a known golden eagle nest has been active for over 20 years. I was expecting a large nest, but I did not realize how massive it would be. Underneath the nest there were many bone fragments which was a little freaky, but a good identifier of an active nest.

The temperature is starting to cool off and it is really starting to feel like fall. I can’t believe this experience will be coming to an end in a little over a month, but I am excited to see what new adventures will come in October!