Seasons Changing

September has brought a change of seasons to the Sierra Nevada. With colder temps and leaves beginning to loose chlorophyll, there is a very “late summer” feeling in the air. This also means that many of our seed plants have completed their cycles, and we’re finding ourselves in the office working on data entry more often.

As the plants complete their cycles, we do the same. This brings time for reflection on the field season and allows us to wrap everything from this season up nicely. While collecting seeds from the remaining late flowering plants, we’re also planning to clean data, ship collections to Bend for cleaning, mount herbarium vouchers, and say our goodbyes to the forest.

Anaphalis margaritacea in seed
Anaphalis margaritacea seeds!

I have been trying to sneak in a few last minute weekend trips in an attempt to squeeze as much as I can out of the summer. At the same time, I’m feeling the need for some good rest and time with friends from home. Last weekend, I was coming back from a camping trip and was lucky to experience an early snow just south of Lake Tahoe! It has since melted, but it was a wonderful chance to do a bit of winter frolicking.

I’m looking forward to the comfort of autumn and to the last of the seeds maturing!

Desolation Wilderness
Moss under the microscope!
The beautiful high sierra