Next beginning

I was given an opportunity to explore, for five months, the manner in which our government manages our public lands. This has been the most useful aspect of my time. I have been working some people who are very passionate about being good stewards of the land they are entrusted to manage. This is not a simple task they have. I know that I will have more respect for our public lands knowing more about their management.
Personally, I will hopefully help to contribute good science to help these managers, in order to simply preserve.
I have learned some good monitoring techniques and started the long task of learning GIS.
I have gotten an opportunity to understand what it is like to work in what would be considered harsh conditons (100+ degree heat in full sun for 8 hours a day). Strangely, I enjoyed it and I now miss it.
My time here went quick.
I am ready for the next opportunity to see things anew.

Jason Reynolds
BLM Grand Junction, CO

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