Next beginning

I was given an opportunity to explore, for five months, the manner in which our government manages our public lands. This has been the most useful aspect of my time. I have been working some people who are very passionate about being good stewards of the land they are entrusted to manage. This is not a simple task they have. I know that I will have more respect for our public lands knowing more about their management.
Personally, I will hopefully help to contribute good science to help these managers, in order to simply preserve.
I have learned some good monitoring techniques and started the long task of learning GIS.
I have gotten an opportunity to understand what it is like to work in what would be considered harsh conditons (100+ degree heat in full sun for 8 hours a day). Strangely, I enjoyed it and I now miss it.
My time here went quick.
I am ready for the next opportunity to see things anew.

Jason Reynolds
BLM Grand Junction, CO

End of a Beautiful Field Season

I began in Grand Junction, CO in early June, without any inkling of the subtle adventure I entered.
I started in what was a very arid and desolate landscape full of cheatgrass and halogeton. Despite the lack of vegetation, heat and the invasive plants I found much beauty. Now I know that the lack of vegetation, stark landscape, and oh yeah and the basalt rock flung everywhere from an ancient volcano, would put most thoughts of beauty out of a sane persons mind. But, fortunately I may not be sane (entirely). There is beauty here but it requires some attention in the beholder, a willingness to see. The flowers were there and they were beautiful but required you to stop and look closely, not casually glance. With closer attention, the plants in this place revealed something of the incredible strategies evolution had given them, over vast time, in order to survive these harsh soils with very little precipitation. But they could find life where few other things survived.
No less incredible ,of course, is the the myriad of adaptations in other ecosystems. But in the desert, what there is to see is perhaps more hidden, so the finding was perhaps more fulfilling.

I am very fortunate that I was able to also work in very different areas. Perspective can be an incredible teacher. Grand Junction offers an tremendous range of habitat, the valley floor, where the city is, lies at about 4600 ft, Grand Mesa whose top is within only 25 miles away, towers above it at 10500 ft, spanning 60 miles.

The change in vegetation as you travel up the mesa is staggering. The desert yields to sage parks, then Pinyon/Juniper woodlands, then oak brush, then Aspen and Fir woodlands surrounding the Grand Mesa’s has 100+ lakes. The diversity and yet similarity of plant life between these 2 areas is beyond my understanding, and yet I seek to know it (not only form a book). So the question arises what is my place in this self sustaining wonder in which I can only attempt to understand.

Jason Reynolds
BLM Grand Junction, CO

Land Health

I have just begun my internship in Grand Junction Colorado. The area around Grand Junction is incredibly varied and I look forward to exploring it as we do Land Health Assessments. I find, as we spend our days hiking through the terrain, that as usual the first glances do not do justice to the incredible amount of diversity and connectedness that comes from closer looks. I have just begin tuning my eyes to how to look in order to see what is right in front of me. The area is one that at first glance seems to be sparse. But, in the short time I have been here I am already beginning to recognize the richness. I look forward to the new patterns I am sure to see as I spend more time.

Jason Reynolds
Grand Junction, CO