The Best Type of Office

After taking this position I knew it would be hard on both my brain and my body. During the weeks leading up to my first day, I was only thinking about learning complex scientific names or the labor of pulling out invasives. I never thought to stop and think about the opportunity I was given, that nature would become my office. The hot sunny days and bug swarms leave me unbothered as I think about my break room being a riverbed, my cubicle a mountaintop, and my commute a forest lined trail. Do not be fooled, everyday is hard work (lots of sweat) but its rewarding and beautiful. I hope I can give some of my favorite spots the justice they deserve so you can enjoy them too!

Slide creek Falls:

Just a short drive in, off of OR-138 you come upon this beautiful horsetail falls. It spills into a small blue pool. The spray gives life to the moss, ferns, and other little flowers you find there. You perch yourself on the ridge as your friends work their way to a log. You break out a snack and sit in silence. Now you’re trying your hardest to take in every moment, to be able to remember every detail, to be able see it even after you leave.

Twin Lakes:

A few miles into the forest you reach a trailhead. It seems particularly normal, so you go down the 1.25 mile trail to the pair of lakes on your map. It only takes a few minutes of climbing before you reach a plateau. You look out to your right and see Mt. Bailey with her snow capped peak off in the distance. You pause, instantly feeling small. You stand there thinking it’s time for a water break, maybe more for the view than the actual need for rest. As you move on you spot a blooming trillium and a little lady bug (you have to take the time to count her spots!!). You realize how big and impactful your presence is. Further down a lean-to hints that you have reached your destination. Soon you see the lake’s crystal clear water. It only takes a few seconds before you spot your first fish. The gentle wind feels cool on your skin and all you can do is be present and smile. 

In just a couple of weeks you have visited numerous awe-inspiring places. As I continue to work and explore this national forest I try to see the beauty around every corner. Time is truly fleeting but my memories of the Umpqua will stay with me forever.

Emma Landenberger

Umpqua National Forest, OR