The final month of the 2024 field season is coming to a close. With the weather getting colder, we have been quickly wrapping up seed collections! So many seeds this season!!! Dean and I were struggling to find a good population of Epilobium canum, and with a lot of searching we were able to find 3 populations that were still flowering this month! We’ve managed to collect from 51 populations of native plants. It’s insane how many seeds we’ve been able to collect this year!

The botany crew did a cross-training day with the GBI wildlife crew to mark a tree that a goshawk was nesting in! We all got to go on a nice hike and see a new section of the forest we have not explored.

I then went to Arcada with Luis, Lucas and Jayna (Luis is on the botany crew, Lucas and Jayna are the amphibian team here)! We saw so many amazing things and had a great time exploring the area. I also got to see my brother in San Fransisco, which was so fun to see him in a different state and explore!

Over the last two weeks, we have been working on mounting all of our vouchers and getting the seeds ready for shipment. Dean’s season ended early, So I’ve recruited the help of the botany team (thank you guys so much!). We weighed all of the populations and got our vouchers herbarium ready!

This season has been nothing short of amazing. Thank you, Dean, for such a wonderful season. I had such a great time with you on all of our adventures together, and I’m so thankful that this job connected us. To the botany team, thank you all so much. You guys made this season very fun for Dean and me, thank you for coming out with us and helping us with the seeds!

Cheers to the next adventure!