Glaciers and Caribou

Hello fellow interns,

Winter has arrived, albeit rather mildly.  I’ve yet to experience a true Fairbanks chill as the November temperatures have been rather uncharacteristically warm (daytime temperatures usually in the teens) with the exception of one -7ºF day.  Warmer yet in the hills as they are above the infamous temperature inversion that traps cold air (and air pollution) in the valley.  ‘Freeze up’ is in progress on the Chena River in town and trees are coated with ice and frost, reflecting light magnificently and resembling gravity-defying chandeliers.  ‘Termination dust’ has fallen and although Fairbanksians curse it for halting summer activities, they soon change their tune and curse Mother Nature for not providing enough for winter activities like skiing.

Mid-November freeze up in progress along Chena River.

Mid-November freeze up in progress along Chena River.

In the office, I’ve been working on tracking down lots of past invasive plant species data, cleaning it up, and getting it ready to submit to AKEPIC (The Alaska Exotic Plants Information Clearinghouse).

I’ve also been still working away at identifying plant specimens from our office and over the past few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of going to the University of Alaska-Fairbanks to compare our specimens with those in their herbarium.  This has been a really fun and valuable process for me as I’ve been able to see a larger scale herbarium in action and be around and get advice and identification help from some very talented botanists.   We thought we might have a rare plant Arnica lonchophylla amongst our specimens, but alas it turned out to be the more common Arnica angustifolia ssp. tomentosa. Although an admittedly intermediate specimen, as verified by one of the herbarium’s very talented pseudo-retired botanists.  I’ve also really enjoyed this experience as it has allowed me a glimpse into the academia side of things.  It has been very interesting and enlightening to be able to compare and contrast these two very different worlds.

The biggest recent happenings, however, occurred in late October when I was able to go to Anchorage for the annual Invasive Plant Conference!  The conference was a really amazing opportunity to witness and experience the full scope of the invasive species management community across Alaska.  I was able to meet, talk with, get advice from, share management successes/failures with, strategize and laugh with people from all over the state who work for all different types of organizations and agencies.  Not to mention learn a lot from many great lectures, presentations and workshops.

I was also able to visit with my Anchorage CLM counterparts Bonnie and Charlotte, complete with some time on the Matanuska Glacier!

All in all, a great week in Anchorage.

mat mat2 mat3

December has brought even milder temperatures in the 20s (what the heck Fairbanks?!) and more AKEPIC and plant ID work.

I also had the opportunity to drive north to Central, AK to monitor the winter caribou hunt along with some peers from Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  After a nasty drive across Eagle Summit in nearly white-out conditions we arrived at a very cold Central field station.  One heater malfunction, one rented ‘hotel’ room and several greasy meals later we were able to comfortably sleep in the field station. The next few days were spent driving along the Steese Highway checking hunters’ permits and licenses as they emerged from the surrounding hills on snow machines towing caribou.  The hunt was remarkably civil with no citations written and no fist fights or shots fired between hunters (apparently this civil-ness is quite a rarity).  The scenery was breath-taking as usual: rolling hills of snow dotted with the black silhouettes of spruce trees.  Certain portions of the road looked like a moonscape of pure white snow with no vegetation in site.  Something you would see in Antarctica (or Mann’s planet from Interstellar).  Mornings before sunrise (i.e. before 9:15 AM) and evenings after sunset (i.e. after 3:45 PM) were spent at the Steese Roadhouse for more greasy fare.  It is the sole restaurant, general store, and gas station in Central.  After one day of hunt monitoring weather forecasts started predicting some ominous snow storms, and thus, with the hunt slowing down and weather on the way we left on the second (and last) day of the hunt and headed back to Fairbanks for fear of being snowed in.


Us monitoring the caribou hunt along the Steese Highway.

Hope all you CLM interns still on board are having a great winter!


Fairbanks, AK




Baby, it’s not so cold outside…

Whelp, it’s been a balmy 45 degrees here in Taos. About ten degrees higher than normal. No snow. No ice. Just mud. I have to use four wheel drive just to get up my road, then do some Tokyo drift moves to get in my driveway before the tires finally grip gravel. My dog, who is white, insists on running through all the mud he can find and tracking it through the house, finally depositing what’s left on his feet in the bed. I wake in the middle of the night to dried mud nuggets between the sheets. On the plus side, I can make a small fire before bed, and it’s still relatively warm in the morning.

Otherwise, there’s not much to report. Attempting to orchestrate some community groups for weed removal and eventual re-seeding. And up to my eyeballs in NEPA…. I think I have about five different projects going on, two of which I’m starting from scratch. I’ll be sure to report on them once I’ve removed the subsequent gray hairs…

With that, Happy Chrismahanakwanzsolistikah!


It can be lonely, oh so lonely…but, that’s OK-I got field work!

Hello fellow CLM-ers!

I know many of you live in remote areas of the country.  I live in a town of 4500, which is small, but it’s still suburbia nonetheless.  I have the library, gym, grocery stores, and restaurants to keep me busy if need-be.  Also, the Big Horn Mountains are right here for adventures.  But with all the other interns gone it’s kind of lonely.

Let me elaborate, this summer I had 2 room mates and 4 friends outside the homestead. We hung out all the time! Exploring the area, traveling around the state or to Colorado and South Dakota, we exercised together (Ms. J. Pastick), went to conferences together and then worked together! A lot of ‘we’ time. Well…that is no longer.

My time in Buffalo became quiet very quickly. Initially, I didn’t want to just enjoy it, so I turned to the office to get that socializing ‘fix’ I need, as if it’s a drug. I worked with range-land conservationists, wildlife biologists, environmental policy specialists, natural resource specialists, and the recreation planner (she’s fantastic, a lot of personality, and very admirable). As you can see, there is a lot of networking to be had in this office. Then, after work I went to a co-workers house for dinner and look at these great leftovers!

food yumm

Then, the moment of truth-a field day to myself!!! (queue the music-dun dun dun).

I started to worry for me, thinking I would lose some sort of character I’ve obtained through socializing all these years and all this time in Buffalo.  I know this seems irrational, mainly because it’s only 1 day, and that our line of work (botany, wildlife, and forestry) requires independent field work. In my defense, here at the BFO we haven’t had any solo field days! We’ve always gone out in groups-always.

So, I went out there…gulp….by myself….and….IT WAS AWESOME!  I hadn’t realized how independent I can be.  I drove an hour out, then onto snow covered secondary roads, made a radio call into the office every now and then, went up hills and through valleys.  Then I came to a funky gate that looked difficult.  I decided I shouldn’t open it for fear I couldn’t close it on my own.  So, I parked the truck and walked in a mile.  On my hike, I saw wildlife tracks in the snow, heard bird calls, appreciated the view (see below), and sang to myself.  It was nice.  Not terribly different from being with my co-workers, yet in the same respect, I was alone!


To all of you interns out there dreading this day-fear not! It’s worth it.  It might even be something to push for if you haven’t already had the experience. On another note, I realized the truck I was using didn’t have chains for the tires or kitty litter. Then, I realized I don’t know what sort of snow conditions would make me want to use the chains.  I don’t know how to put them on either.  I watched a video once, but it’s more memorable to do it yourself. So, that’ll be another project this week.  Yay, more work!

I haven’t talked about science at all in this blog. So…let me talk about my project with the Powder River Basin Restoration Initiative (PRBRI).  Utilizing GIS, I use the buffalo field office layer, than add Greater sage-grouse core and connectivity layer, within those parameters I add the fire perimeter layer and pick a historic fire.  Call the lessee or land owner by looking up their information in the physical range files (billing history).  I double check this information online because sometimes a person has changed ranch hands. Possibly a death in the family or old age. I don’t want to call a landowner and them tell me, “oh, that was my mother-she died.” After I receive permission, I ask for best road access and conditions, inquire about locked gates and the fire. Also, I give a time frame of when to expect me on the property.

I print out maps that include the following details; coordinates, township, range, section, ownership, basement and topography (separate maps), prairie dog towns, fire perimeter, roads w/ names (if available), well #’s (for locating purposes), and fence line (if available). I print out my comprehensive field form. This may take 1-2 hours to assemble, print, and organize.

For mobilizing, I grab 2 GPS units with backup batteries, uploaded maps, and Terrasync technology.  Also, make sure the updated data dictionary has been installed.  Grab UTM’s for road access. Don reflective vest, warm clothing, bring back-up warm clothing, gators, and hand/foot warmers. Check out on white-board, grab a field buddy, and field vehicle.

Now, ready for the field-whoopeee!!  In the field, ALOT of time is spent going to and fro, then traveling down secondary or two-track roads-safely, to get to your destination.  Once I find my historic fire, I hike up to the top of the tallest mound.  This is to get a good vantage point.  In the fall, I can easily use ocular estimation to determine cheatgrass infestation-it is whitish compared to say crested wheatgrass. Then I’ll walk a transect of the fire, taking a vegetation inventory as I go, and mapping distinct areas of cheatgrass infestation, juniper, and sage brush revival.

That’s all for now folks!


The rain has finally come to California and it’s amazing! As many of you know California has been in a sever drought. We have been struggling to keep planted native plants alive on restoration sites this past year on Fort Ord and seeing rain falling from the sky was like seeing little orbs of life making their way to the earth.

What a transformation. When I started my internship at Fort Ord it was the middle of the Summer and most of the grasses (invasive and native) had dropped their seeds and had started to turn brown. The only green I saw on Fort Ord was from the Oak Trees and and the evergreen maritime chaparral plants (Chemis, Ceanthus, Manzanita). The grasslands have just exploded with green little seedling and it has been a beautiful experience. I have learned a lot with my mentor going out and botonizing. Pulling up seedings and identifying the seed casing still attached. The wildlife has been so active also. After the first rain we got, I saw 7 bobcats (I might have seen one or two twice) in one day! Before that I had only seen 3 over a four month period. The birds are out and about foraging and for a birder like me there is nothing better! Even the herps have been making their way out. I’m hearing frogs croaking and seeing salamanders wandering the paths. Oh, and the insects have been crawling around in droves. Centipedes and beetles have been teeming around the ground. It’s been a struggle trying to avoid smashing them.

I just find it so amazing to have been able to experience this! I love animals and wildlife and it makes me so happy to be able to see the changes and the life that rain brings. I hope we get a lot more because we really need it!

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Forever Grateful

Let's do ONE more seed cut :)

Hello everyone,

As I sit here on my last day of work reflecting on this internship that has now flown by, I’m realizing a lot.  To the top of that list is, well the fact that I don’t have a job lined up for after this.  I am very much hoping my family and friends back home will graciously accept my cheap holiday presents in the form of rocks I’ve collected along the way out here.  If not, I suppose my large collection will continue to grow…fine with me

glistening gypsum!

glistening gypsum!

I’m also here thinking about the very first day I strolled into the BLM office.  It was the Friday before I started work and my mom was still in town helping me find a place to live.  I came into the office to sign some forms and meet the team.  Nervously, I approached the front door beneath the daunting Bureau of Land Management sign, thinking,  “OK, I guess this is it.  For the next few months I’ll be working for ‘the man.'”  I quietly walked in and my mentor came to the front to meet me.  He took me on a tour of the building, one that made me feel like I was finding my way through a maze.  Finally we stopped at the cubicles with the other interns, soon to be my work space too.  We briefly introduced ourselves, smiled and I was pretty much on my way.  Now looking back 9 or so months later, I am so happy I took that chance, packed all my things up and moved 2,800 miles away from home.


In my time out here, I have had some great adventures.  Did I save any money while I was out here?  Not much, but I have felt like I’ve really taken in the west as much as possible and been paid in more ways than simple monetary checks.  Nevada for me has been a place of endless blue skies, more mountain ranges than I can begin to name, and surprising oases popping up in the forms of ephemeral streams, emerging springs, and playa lakes.

Sand Mountain at sunset

Sand Mountain at sunset

In addition to the numerous natural wonders of this area, my time here has been spent with unforgettable field work and tons of learning experiences.  I’m leaving Carson City certainly a better botanist than when I arrived, a more in tuned reader of the landscape, and with a head full of latin botanical names that could bore anyone for days.  Luckily though, most of my time here was spent with others that appreciate such disciplines.  I want to dedicate this post to the 7 other interns from the Carson City office.  Together we made over 100 seed collections, monitored our fair share of fires, and put on a large handful of educational outreach events.  Above that, I will more remember the late night talks around a campfire, family dinners, farmers markets, festivals, and of course the lamest yet creative botany jokes ever to be made.  Together we walked dozens of miles through the back country of Nevada, crawled mountain passes by truck that most wouldn’t even consider walking, and watched hundreds of shooting stars jet across the night sky.  In short, it’s been great, and truly an exceptional experience!

Last seed collecting trip: Artemisia cana

Last seed collecting trip: Artemisia cana

Lastly, for any of those reading this and are considering applying for a CLM internship, I say DO IT!  Don’t be afraid, take a chance and embrace every second along the way.  For those current and recently finished interns of this year, best of luck in all your next steps.


Sunny wishes and Shine On!

Andrew Lyons

Carson City NV, BLM Office

Only in Nevada

Only in Nevada

Changing Perspectives and Words of Wisdom

Edge of the H2S fieldJust as John Steinbeck said in his novel, Travels With Charley, as he refers to people who rely solely on maps to dictate their travel, their adventures, and their stories and lives, “[W]hat I remember has no reference to the colored lines and squiggles.” Sure, I could easily tell you very specific directions to a number of field sites from memory. It’s what I do, I studied Geography in school, I’ve made a study of visual perceptions of places and how they change. However, that was not the point of the internship, not the point of the experiences I was hoping for in Rawlins. The point was to learn, to absorb information, to learn from those experiences, to make memories, to live.

There were certainly ups and downs but when I finished my five months, I was sad to leave Wyoming in general… the rocky outcrops, the ridiculous cattle (such sweet, clueless, fuzzy faces), the open sky, and, of course, the people I have the privilege to call friends. My one regret is that I met most of these friends with only two-three weeks left in my internship or else we only just managed to schedule times to work together or hang out in those last couple weeks.

What’s the point in carrying regrets though? So it goes. I loved my final weeks in Rawlins. It was fantastic. To quote John Steinbeck again, “So much there is to see, but our morning eyes describe a different world than do our afternoon eyes, and surely our wearied evening eyes can report only a weary evening world.” When I started my internship in Rawlins, I was determined to make the most of it. There are obviously going to be beautiful places not too far out of reach, I had new skills to learn, it was going to be great. My first impression was tinged with openness to appreciate new experiences and new places. It’s a huge field office and there are so many people to meet early on, so much to learn and to explore.

Seed collection and monitoring did become monotonous. Same thing every day, same location for days on end sometimes, same person for company. It was great when I was able to get out on my own to meet new people and do other things in town.  It was difficult but there were some wonderful things too. There are so many stories to tell.

Early in the internship we were out with our mentor and an NRS. Our mentor was very excited to describe unique things about the area. Distracted, he pointed and told us to look at the herd of wild horses in the distance. No-one really said anything, we just sort of kept quiet. A minute later, closer, he stops mid-sentence. “Oh, I guess that’s not horses. That’s a water tank.” Yep.

This sort of conversation happened all the time. I thought it was kind of hilarious. Out there you obviously just have to watch out for, as my mother put it, “those herds of crazy water tanks. You never know what those wily beasts will do.” Thanks for making me laugh Mum. That might be the best reaction I’ve had when I’ve told someone of what happens in the field.

So, now I have some good stories, some good pictures, and a better attitude about the experience again. I have more stories than I really care to write in one post. That’s one of my favorite things about field season. I always finish a new position with fantastic stories. My “evening eyes” may have been wearied by the end, but I came out looking at the same place in a new light. It truly was a great experience and I cannot accurately describe my appreciation for the wonderful friends I’ve made or the grand adventures I’ve had.

New rig being drilled out Adobe Town Road SW of Rawlins. Talk about getting lost. All the new roads to this and other new wells being dug aren't on maps yet and heavy rains keep flooding and altering roads.

New rig being drilled out Adobe Town Road SW of Rawlins. I’ll be happy if I never have to work near the oil industry again, but I do think the work we do for reclamation purposes is incredibly important. There need to be more people fighting for this land and fighting to properly restore it, to encourage plant regrowth and the return of wildlife.

The Ferris Mountains with the Ferris Sand Dunes in the foreground. What you cannot see is the nearby oil well or the H2S warning signs. It still is beautiful though.

The Ferris Mountains with the Ferris Sand Dunes in the foreground. What you cannot see is the nearby oil well or the H2S warning signs. It still is beautiful though.

Ask me sometime about my David Attenborough inspired documentary dialogue “A Day in the Life of a Gatherer Woman” otherwise known as “A Day in the Life of a Botanist.” Now that’s a crazy story best told in person, in my very best British accent.

Leslie, formerly in Rawlins, WY

Grand Canyon Adventure

I was finally able to use all the comp time that piled up over the season and I have to say, it was well worth the extra hours. A few weeks ago I took a trip to the Grand Canyon National Park. It was incredible. Similar to the vibrant colors of a tropical ocean, no photograph can portray the overwhelming visual stimulation that accompanies a real life experience at the grand canyon. This was definitely the highlight of my summer. IMG_1097 (1)

Aside from a great vacation, work continues to stay busy. Minus the intimidating stack of herbarium vouchers to organize and send, Seeds of Success has finally come to an end for the 2014 season. Tackling this endeavor independently has taught me a lot. It has forced me to take initiative, ask a lot of questions, keep an organized schedule and be patient. It was not an easy task however, the sense of accomplishment and professional growth that I have developed made every minute worth it. Perhaps the greatest lesson I learned was to be patient and know that field work typically does not go as planned. There will always be obstacles and set backs but if you learn to be flexible, innovative and make decisions on the fly, everything will work out in the end. Just stick with it.

The weather is changing quickly but there is still plenty of work to be done. The seed we ordered for Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation has been slow to arrive. It has been a bit of a nightmare trying to track down each shipment and simultaneously organize the workforce necessary to complete the planting. We have completed a few hundred acres of drill seeding and there is more to be done.  However, our seed shipments were backed up and we no longer have access to the equipment or work staff for this season. On top of that, the snow has already begun to fly and it is a race against the clock. Focusing on broadcast seeding and hand planting will bring us to the end of our field season very soon.

It has been a whirlwind trying to keep up with the daily operations at the Surprise Valley Field Office due to very limited staff.  However, I have been given more opportunities than I could ask for, which I am overwhelmingly grateful for. I will continue to work for Surprise through the winter, acquiring new skills and facing new challenges every day. This experience continues to impress me and I encourage anyone with an interest in conservation and land management to apply for this program.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Amy Thorson- BLM Surprise Valley FO





3245 Clear

Fall brought some drastic changes to my life here in Carson City. The first time my gloves froze to my handlebars, I knew I was in for a dramatic couple months. In September, a tiny kitten, not more than 5 weeks old, moved into the space between the insulation and the floorboards of my house. After 2 days of quiet mewing echoing up through the heating vents, I decided that our new housemate needed to move upstairs. Andrii (another intern), Oksana (his wife), and I rent a prefab house on the eastern edge of town. We’ve loved this shabby little place since the very first day we moved in. Unfortunately, the house hasn’t really loved us back. A leaky roof, dripping pipes, hidden mold, ant infestations, fruit fly swarms; we’ve had it all. 2 weeks after we moved in, our kitchen mysteriously disappeared one evening. We got back from the field to discover our refrigerator was not where we had left it! And now it appeared that, to top it all off, we had a critter in distress somewhere below our feet. I donned my PPE (I didn’t take the DOI learn HAZWOPER course for nothing!) and army-crawled into the dust and grime. I made it out wheezy, sneezy, and clutching a new best friend. We called him Griffey or Kits, after the famous baseball player and the Ukrainian word for “hey cat!” He has quickly become accustomed to the pampered life of an adventurous kitten.

After such drastic changes in weather and family structure, a change in employment really shouldn’t faze me. But after 9 months living, tromping, and adventuring in the sagebrush and the sierras, it’s a shock to the system to consider leaving.

Carson City is where I learned to monitor fires, to assess riparian habitats, to identify great basin flora, and why the coyotes cry to the stars at night. My tent has been my home in the dunes of Death Valley, the granite slabs of Yosemite, the canyons of Dixie Valley, and almost everywhere in between. I’ve gawked and gasped at innumerable stunning plants, from the delicate blooms of the rare Webber’s ivsia (Ivsia webberi) to the ancient wisdom of the bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva). “Oodles” doesn’t even come close to the amount I’ve learned and experienced.

I owe a tremendous debt to my mentor, Dean, and our fantastic team. Whether we were fixing flats, purposefully getting stung by fiddleneck (Amsinkia tesselata), or searching mountains for rebar and rare plants, they helped me maintain my positive attitude and appreciate every moment in the lovely landscape. When times got tough or the plants got feisty, these excellent people always had my back.

For Science!

Rebecca Mostow
Sierra Front Field Office, BLM
Carson City, NV

It’s mid-November and plants are still flowering!?

Hello Everyone!

My CLM position here in the Mojave Desert has continued into the late fall, and I’ll be here at least until mid-December. Maybe even longer. Like everywhere else in the country, the days have become shorter and colder here. Unlike most other places, our daytime high temperatures are still in the 70’s and 80’s. I could say that the nighttime temps in the 40’s feel pretty cold to me, but my friends and family back in Illinois probably won’t let me get away with that. But after the oppressive heat of summer, it is delightful to have weather that makes everyone else jealous.

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush)

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush)

Of course, the ecology of the desert is changing with the seasons, and one of the interesting things that I’m seeing is that the plant life here is staying active even as we move into winter. I’m used to plants that have hunkered down into dormancy by this time of year. That is not the case here in the Mojave. There are a few plants that have dropped their leaves during the dry autumn, but most have remained unchanged in anticipation of winter rains. Some species are still holding seeds, and some are even in full bloom right now! I was in a wash this week that was full of the yellow flowers of two shrubs that I am just now seeing in bloom for the first time. I think that is great.

The continuing reproductive activity of the plants means that I have been able to stay busy making seed collections in November. Here are some highlights:

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush). These plants absolutely glow in the evening sun. It is quite lovely.

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush). These plants absolutely glow in the evening sun. It is quite lovely.

Many of the big washes in my field office have turned into rivers of golden yellow this fall, as they have been filled with blooming Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush). This species is a shrub in the Asteraceae family. It grows as a round bush up to about 2 meters tall, and 3 to 4 meters wide. The blooming rabbitbrush has created some absolutely beautiful landscapes in the last month or so, especially in the late afternoons and evenings. This one was an easy collection to make, as the plants contained tens of thousands of their fluffy, wind-dispersed seeds. The plants are pretty sticky and pungent with a strong but sweet smell, so I ended up smelling like Ericameria for the rest of the day, which was fine with me.

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush). These seeds were just about to fly off to who knows where before I snatched them up.

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush). These seeds were just about to fly off to who knows where before I snatched them up.

Another very easy collection that I made a couple weeks ago was of Chilopsis linearis arcuata (desert willow). This species is not a true willow (willows are the genus Salix), but it is a tree with narrow linear leaves that look similar to Salix. Chilopsis linearis is more closely related to Catalpa trees. Desert willows produce long, thin seed pods that are loaded with 50 or more seeds that have dense, white, tufts of hair. When these trees were blooming earlier in the year their white, pink, or purple flowers were very popular with sphinx moths (also called hawk moths). These moths look very much like hummingbirds in the way they hover around flowers. For a week in August, thousands of sphinx moths congregated around the desert willows, so that you could hear the air buzzing with their wing beats. Those were amazing days.

Chilopsis linearis. You can see that the leaves to look pretty similar to true willows.

Chilopsis linearis (desert willow). You can see that the leaves do look pretty similar to true willows.

Chilopsis linearis. Here are a couple seed pods that are just about ready to burst open.

Chilopsis linearis (desert willow). Here are a couple of seed pods that are just about ready to burst open.

Here’s one more for now. Last week I made a collection of Sphaeralcea angustifolia (copper globemallow). This species is a forb that I’ve seen growing to just shy of 1 meter in height. Last week was the first time I have come across this species, but the population I found was pretty impressive. Thousands and thousands of copper globemallow covered the shallow wash I was exploring. That makes for some easy collecting. A few of the plants were still blooming, and showing off their very pretty orange flowers, but most were full of their unusual fruits. If you look at the picture I’ve included, you can see the seed capsules, which some people will describe as little cheese wheels. When they open up, those capsules will drop 10-20 small seeds to the ground. As I finished this collection with the light fading and temperature dropping in the late afternoon, one of my coworkers made an observation. Many of the remaining orange flowers on the Sphaeralcea now contained a bee. The bees weren’t buzzing around collecting nectar, but instead had curled up inside the flowers and were sitting still. My coworker said that they would sleep that way through the night. I had never seen bees do this before, and I thought it was really cool!

Sphaeralcea angustifolia (copper globemallow).

Sphaeralcea angustifolia. Notice the "cheese wheel" fruits on this plant. Kind of quirky.

Sphaeralcea angustifolia (copper globemallow). Notice the “cheese wheel” fruits on this plant. Kind of quirky.

All right, that’s enough for now. All you people in colder climates, stay warm!

Landscape_KingstonWash_2014.10.27 (5)

Ericameria paniculata (Mojave rabbitbrush)

Until next time,


Needles Field Office, BLM



The End – Way to be Random Nevada

Time has flown by; the last 10 months have been jammed pack with various forms of experience. This experience involved weed mapping, range assessments, drought monitoring, fire monitoring, sensitive species monitoring, herbarium management, native seed collections, various trainings and data management. While working in Nevada we ran into many interesting things, these many interesting things proved that Nevada is random. Here are a few examples:

An old building from an abandoned farm.

An old building from an abandoned farm.

An old miners cup found at an old site.

An old miners cup found at an old site.

A tree carrying a heart that was carved into it a long time ago.

A tree carrying a heart that was carved into it a long time ago.

Sometimes while working you find yourself in the middle of Fire Suppression practice.

Sometimes while working you find yourself in the middle of Fire Suppression practice.


Just another vehicle on the road... an armored vehicle.

Just another vehicle on the road… an armored vehicle.


A full belt of bullets that was discarded and still rests under an Artemisia.

A full belt of bullets that was discarded and still rests under an Artemisia.

In the middle of nowhere there is a random hot spring.

In the middle of nowhere there is a random hot spring.

A random red gate that   pops out of nowhere.

A random red gate that pops out of nowhere.

These are only a few of the random things that Nevada provided. Nevada definitely became a wonderful source of entertainment while we worked. Thank you  Nevada.