From the Surprise Cafe, Cedarville, CA.

I am writing this blog from the Surprise Café in Cedarville. The owners of this fine establishment are good enough to offer free Wi-Fi to its patrons. All-in-all, Cedarville and its residents are growing on me. My neighbor, Bud, sells me farm-fresh eggs for $1.50/doz!

It has been unseasonably wet and chilly in Cedarville (or so I hear). It has made for fewer and muddier field excursions than I would have liked thus far (especially in the North Cowhead area of the BLM), but it seems to be warming up and drying out. Keep your fingers crossed that “74F and sunny” is an omen of good weather to come.

Thus far at the BLM, I have helped many other seasonals work on their time-sensitive projects and have learned a lot—anything from native species identification to driving manual on the euphemistically named dirt “roads” in Nevada. I’m looking forward to training for my Aspen/Wildlife Monitoring Project this week and to the months to come!

This is a photo taken on a weekend hike through the South Warner Mountain overlooking Surprise Valley, CA.

This is a photo taken on a weekend hike through the South Warner Mountain overlooking Surprise Valley, CA.