What is Utah?, for four hundred Alex.

The talk and rumors of this land that blow over the Rockies toward my native home are scarce. Usually they are not enough to pry the average Midwesterner contently secure next to the river and bring up their roots into hot dry sun waiting for them in the rain shadow of the Sierras.
So, when I decided to take this position many of my friends and relatives had one thing to say, “Utah”?
This I had to find out for myself for several reasons layered beyond the scope of this blog. It turns out that there were good reasons to come here, many of them more valuable than the promise of a paycheck.
If you like plants, it turns out this is good place to start. The paucity of water had quickly diverged many species into various niches that cling in the cracks of hot sandstone, or lay open in the meadows of the cool mountains.
Being in this atmosphere it as if your essence also starts to gather its unique characteristics and pushes them to the surface, either out of necessity or nature I am still deciding.
The work presents itself as it needs to be done. My main task is in the seeds of success program. This gives me the perfect opportunity to learn the language of the land that I am traveling. You start to gather the geology, water, sun and time paint the desert with hues remarkable and beyond descriptors.
It is unique but often treated as if not so. The landscape  is sustained by extremes, hot and cold, fire and ice, day and night. Our activity threatens to toss aside the reality of this nature for the sustenance of golf courses and neon decor; artifacts of bygone era. The lessons of sustainable living and equity will be a central focus that may blossom here first and catch wind to other areas that are desperate need for real change.
Some things the desert as taught me.