Headed North

So soon we’ll be headed north for a bird survey. Though the schedule will be on the birds’ time and the hours long it should be a fun trip. Not many things beat listening to bird songs in the mountains.
Daylight is still increasing at about six minutes every day  (over 20 hours of daylight now) and will help not just for visibility’s sake but also in keeping us alert. Its easy to forget that though you might be ready to head out, the clock on the wall says 9:00 p.m. not a.m.

Here’s how it should go : We’ll take a charter flight north and drive the highway stopping at regular intervals to get out, listen for a few minutes record which birds were seen or heard, jump back in the car drive a mile-ish and do it all over again. Intense, busy, but once there’s a rhythm to the process, very and even happily doable. Few people who enjoy nature especially in the north take things like bird songs, sunlight and warmth for granted. They are precious, and short lived so every moment is savored!

– T.Hill      CYFO BLM Fairbanks, AK


Spring is in the Air!




Spring is definitely in the air! The chickadees have changed their songs, white crown sparrows, bald and golden eagles are flying about. The sunlight is definitely back as well. It is now 10:00 p.m. and I can still easily see the silhouettes of the spruce and birch trees against the sky.
With spring also comes the rapidly melting snow. As temperatures peak near 50 degrees midday the runoff creates tremendous amounts of MUD! It’s everywhere.

The summer field season is just around the corner. The cameras that were placed last autumn will soon be accessed and with their data cards will come many new exciting photos. To recap: last year cameras were placed at mineral lick sites to capture lick usage by Dall’s Sheep. Some of these cameras were set to take several pictures once their motion sensors were triggered, while others were set to take pictures at regular intervals. It’s probably safe to assume that the triggered cameras will present more entertaining photos but the comparison of the two settings may yield some interesting results as well.
Hope all of you are enjoying the season and gearing up for some exciting adventures in the near future. Until next time…

BLM Central Yukon Field Office
Fairbanks, AK

Getting Started in Fairbanks

How and where do I begin? At the beginning I suppose.

I find myself extremely fortunate to be here in Alaska. It is a beautiful and very mild winter this year, which allows us to get a lot more time outside and to stave off the cabin fever. Of course it’s difficult to stay indoors when you don’t have to be, regardless of what the weather has in store, but the difference this year is you can get away with fewer layers and thus be able to move your limbs freely.
The sunlight is gradually returning (about 6 minutes a day), while at night the aurora borealis still, quite visibly, undulates with its neon greens across the sky which makes this time of year kind of “magical”.

aurora in ak


I was very recently hired and amidst the blur of acronyms, paperwork, training etc. it’s difficult to pin down any one thing to talk about as far as the position goes. Two things worth mentioning are: I have met some very kind and helpful people who have each gone out of their way to welcome me. And the wildlife position I was hired for sounds very interesting! The general picture for the position focuses on Dall sheep usage of natural mineral licks and all the fun details associated with their visitations to these sites.
My next blog will definitely contain more information about the project as I increase my knowledge and exposure to well, everything I can get my hands on.
until then…….

T Hill

BLM – Central Yukon Field Office

Fairbanks, Alaska

Focusing In….

Hello again from the north.
Like any good Midwesterner (current or former) I must talk about the weather at some point.
It has been, like in so many places, unseasonably warm. There is plenty of snow still on the ground and though the temps rarely rise above freezing, many Alskans are wearing short sleeve shirts while waiting for spring to officially arrive.
Training is still the primary focus of my work but at least now it is beginning to hone in on the specific needs of my position. Aviation training this week followed soon by things like bear safety and the like.
One step at a time towards the fun stuff! Until next time!
-T Hill
CYFO BLM Fairbanks, AK