Liv In Oregon – First thoughts

My first three weeks as an Oregonian have come to an end! I am a first time intern for the CLM and am currently working in Grant’s Pass, OR as a botany crew intern. Our main focus has been to survey and monitor rare plant species in the South Western region of Oregon as well as removing invasive plant species. Grant’s Pass is located next to the Rogue River which is frequented by many rafters during the summer and the area we work in is mainly referred to as the Rogue River Valley. Many days have consisted of scouring riparian areas for an invasive weed called Dyer’s Woad, Isatis tinctoria, then mapping these areas for future years to continue the work of removing this pesky weed.

Beautiful view of the Rogue River Valley

One of the two federally endangered rare plants we survey and monitor is Fritillaria gentneri, a member of the Lily family, Liliaceae. Such a beautiful plant!

J. Herbert Stone Nursery in the Rogue Valley – large planting of Delphinium menziesii

Thus far, Oregon has been kind to me with mostly sunny days and stunning views. I am very happy to have chosen Oregon for my internship season and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!