Identifying Southern Oregon


I am coming to the end of my second week here in the Medford District BLM office. So far it has been a crash course in general botany as we get geared up for what looks like is going to be a busy seed collecting season.  The Medford District office is the largest BLM office in the United States, which means we have quite a large region to collect from.  Not only are we dealing with a grand scale of space, but the Southern Oregon landscape is all over the place when it comes to ecosystem diverseness. The species richness and biodiversity appears to me, at this point in the season, to be endless.  The Siskiyou Mountains, Klamath Mountains, Lower Cascade Mountains, and  the Rogue Valley are notoriously known for their unique soils which equate to many rare and endemic plant species.  This creates an exciting challenge when it comes to plant identification.

So far in this short week and a half, I have gone on about 5 scouting missions in the surrounding areas, collecting plants, practicing my identification skills, and bring specimens back to the lab for further examination.  We have been taking notes about when we assume these plants will start to go to seed and plan on going back and checking these locations, as well as scouting out new ones, in the weeks to come.

Having moved to this region about six months ago, this internship opportunity as allowed me to really get a better feel for my new home in a geographical sense.  Being able to begin to identify local plants, creeks, mountains, and other land marks, that were nameless strangers to me 2 weeks ago, has granted me a sense of community in a very odd naturalist sort of way. The ability to put a name to a face (or in this case a flower) has allowed me to feel more comfortable in my new surroundings.

Happy (seed) hunting!


Medford, Oregon BLM


Identifying Mimulus guttatus.

Identifying Mimulus guttatus.

View from the top of Lower Table Rock (facing south)

View from the top of Lower Table Rock (facing south)

Making a pressing of Lupinus bicolor.

Making a pressing of Lupinus bicolor.



Cheers to a New Chapter!

Greetings from beautiful Carson City, Nevada, home of the ever-present sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), and Vivid Dancer Damselfly (Argia vivida)-just to name a few symbols that represent our nation’s 7th largest state!  I arrived here a bit over three weeks ago, and it has been a wonderful change coming from the never ending winter of Connecticut.  I do love my home state, but something about stepping off a plane to blooming flowers and sunshine has been nothing but refreshing.

So much has happened out here already while interning with the BLM botany team.  I was the 6th intern to arrive, and the others have helped make my transition a smooth one.  Although not quite caught up with identifying all the desert flora or recognizing unfamiliar bird calls, there is an obvious sense of community within the team here, and I think it will be no time until I’m brought completely up to speed.  Particularly appreciating the casual plant ID discussions and stories of field days that occur over our home cooked meals once a week, it is certain to say accepting this challenge of creating a life across the country has been more than a wise decision.

A few highlights from the past three weeks have included becoming certified to apply pesticides on federal lands in efforts to eradicate invasive species, working in some of the most beautiful locations, and (as of this week) beginning to monitor and develop a conservation plan for Ivesia webberi, a soon to be listed endangered species.  It is especially rewarding to me to bring a voice to things like plants that just can’t stand up and say, “Hey, protect me from those soon to be grazing cattle” or “Watch out, there are nonnative species out competing me for space to grow!”  What can I say, I love plants!

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time out here thus far, and anticipate things getting even better as the season continues.  Looking very much forward to using my conservation degree from UConn for practical applications in the field, becoming fluent in GIS, and looking up at a star lit sky from a desert perspective!  Until then, enjoy a couple photos from my first days in the field!

Be Well,


Carson City BLM Field Office


First Day in the Field Collecting Seeds!

First Day in the Field Collecting Seeds

Beautiful Pyramid Lake!

Beautiful Pyramid Lake


Wild Horses Do Exist!

Wild Horses Do Exist!


Ivesia webberi

Ivesia webberi




So long CLM

This was my favorite botany job yet and unfortunately I am ending it early. Good news is I’ve landed a permanent job after a few years of constant moving about. I will have to incorporate the native plant restoration work into my new position. I enjoyed working with each part of the plant cycle in native plant propagation. I enjoyed collecting seeds, cleaning, storing, and treating seeds, growing them in the greenhouse, and planting them at their final destination restoration site. It was a beautiful experience. But I got out before the summer heat.

Each weekend I jumped on a different trail in the area. What is neat about the Redding BLM and the surrounding area is the amount of recreation. It seems to be the (only) thing to do around here- but it’s a good one. You’ve got the Lassen to the east, Mt. Shasta to the North and the Trinities to the West. It really is a beautiful place.

Besides on the ground restoration work, I developed a restoration handbook for the next seasonal. It includes maps and pictures of the restoration sites and what plants go there, as well as other tips. What I learned in my short time at the Redding BLM is invaluable.

Here are some photos from my stay:

Little buddy hanging out with me in the greenhouse

Little buddy hanging out with me in the greenhouse


buckeye seed

buckeye seed


buckeye seedlings at the greenhouse

buckeye seedlings at the greenhouse

buckeye going in drainage area.

buckeye growing in drainage area.

View of Redding from the bluffs

View of Redding from the bluffs- Sacramento River, Sundial Bridge and the Trinities

Big Bear Lake, CA March-April

CIMG8134 - Copy CIMG8245 - Copy

Phacelia sp.

Phacelia sp.

We’ve been doing surveys for TESW (Threatened, Endangered, Sensitive, and Watch plant species) along proposed OHV routes in the high desert, north of Big Bear Lake.  There’s a lot blooming, and some hillsides have even taken on a yellow hue.  Sensitive species in the area include Mojave paintbrush (Castilleja plagiotoma, SBNF Sensitive) and Lemmon’s syntrichopappus (Syntrichopappus lemmonii, SBNF Watch, middle).  We also did survey work at a mining claim nearer to the desert side of the forest.

 In late March we attended a bryophyte foray near Santa Cruz, CA.  (My point-and-shoot isn’t so well-equipped to take great pictures of mosses, especially in dim light, but I had a little better luck with wild ginger, Asarum caudatum, top).  It was a wonderful opportunity to talk with some big names in the moss, liverwort, and hornwort worlds, and a good introduction to bryophyte keys.

Additional survey work this month will focus on mining claims and proposed OHV routes.  We’ll also be attending a Poaceae workshop at Rancho Santa Botanic Garden.