WYldlife Encounters (Lander, WY)

When I learned my placement would be in Wyoming, my first thought was “Wow! The birds are going to be so different”.  What I didn’t think about was that almost everything would be different. Coming from the tallgrass prairie in Iowa, where I completed my undergraduate degree, I was in for a big change. When I first arrived, I was a little overwhelmed by my inadequacies in identifying the plants and my unfamiliarity with the birds of the area. The overlap in wildlife between Iowa and Wyoming was greater, but being in a new ecosystem has really been stretching my knowledge. While I am a wildlife biology intern, I spend a lot of time identifying forbs, grasses, and trees. Going from Iowa, where I was capable of identifying most plants in my research site at the species level, to Wyoming, where I was only able to identify plant families opened up a whole new area of learning. Keying plants and making lists of genus and species characteristics, I am working my way to familiarity with new organisms.

The new wildlife has been easier to learn. It’s hard to forget such charismatic animals such as black bears, foxes, sage grouse, elk, and antelope.  In my short time here so far, I have been greeted with many familiar wildlife species. Hairy woodpeckers followed me and my field partner through the woods one day, my lawn is home to a small gang of rabbits, and today I saw a badger.  When I learned I would be starting a new project doing amphibian surveys, I got the chance to interact again with some other familiar friends – Tiger Salamanders, Leopard Frogs, and lots of macroinvertebrates. The amphibian survey consisted of walking through the marsh with an 8 foot net, digging through mud, and looking for evidence of amphibian reproduction.  Pictured above I introduce to you a slightly dead elk found in the woods, a tiger salamander larva, and myself, during an amphibian hunt. Hopefully, as the wildlife biology intern, there will be more wildlife encounters to come!

CLM round two

Wrapping up my 5th week at my internship in Shoshone, Idaho, it’s hard for me to decide what to write my blog post about! There has been so many exciting moments that it’s hard to choose! This is my second gig with the CLM program, but my experiences have been vastly different. Last summer I worked at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Seed Bank, doing Seeds of Success work. I was stationed at Staten Island, NYC and I lived in Brooklyn. Now I am here in Idaho working for the the BLM and it has definitely been a change in pace. Although I really loved New York City and having such a unique CLM experience, I can really appreciate the quietness of Idaho.

I’m originally from Florida, so about 10 days before the start of my internship, my cat and I drove out to Idaho. It was a 48 hour drive and luckily I have a cat who weirdly loves the car! Driving across the country was definitely an experience. I had never spent any real time out west before and driving through  Wyoming felt like I was being awoken to the amazing-ness of the west. As I drove into Twin Falls (the town I live in), I am taken by surprise as I cross over a bridge with a GIANT canyon (now I know it’s the Snake River Canyon)! This was just the beginning of the beauty I have discovered in Idaho so far. Seriously, my phone storage has been hating me ever since I moved here.

Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls, ID!

One thing I really love about my job so far is the diversity of things that we get to do. We started out doing a modified version of AIM (Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring). Doing MAIM has been great so far and I really love learning new species of plants everyday. We get to visit beautiful spots and *maybe* one day I will be able to easily identify the different species of sagebrush! However, we are quickly wrapping up that part of the job and are moving on to other projects! We get to help out on various projects with Idaho Fish and Game, which really excites me because I have a degree in Wildlife Ecology and have a love of both plants and wildlife! Today we went out and did bat and invertebrate surveys in three different caves. This was such an awesome experience, even though we did not find any bats unfortunately. Tomorrow we will be helping out on pollinator research! Very exciting stuff!!

Bat and invertebrate surveying

The workshop at the Chicago Botanic Garden was also a great experience. They were lovely hosts and it was so nice getting to meet interns from all over the country!  The “Butterflies & Blooms” exhibit at the garden was amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone who visits the garden.


Butterfly or leaf? Found at the Butterflies and Blooms exhibit at CBG

Hiking out to our field site!

Overall my experience has been wonderful and I am looking forward to more to come (and to eat more potatoes).

Signing off from Shoshone, Idaho!

Barbara Garrow

Six Weeks In

I wouldn’t consider myself an eloquent person, particularly when it comes to reflecting upon experiences I’ve had. This perception of myself has made it difficult for me to sit down and write this blog-post. Thus, I’ll try to keep it concise.

This internship has forced me out of my comfort zone in more ways than one. I find myself stumbling upon new plants and wildlife that, as a native east coaster, seem otherworldly. From a political perspective, I am absolutely a minority as I’ve relocated from New York, possibly the liberal epicenter of the country, to Wyoming.

This internship, although I am just six weeks into it, is exposing me to more than just a potential career with a federal agency or as a botanist. It is introducing me to new people and perspectives I wouldn’t otherwise come across. It is forcing me to change the way I discuss the environment and other issues I feel are important.

I don’t want to spend too much time talking about my workday since many of the other blog posts seem to focus on that, but also because thus far, the most valuable experience for me as a result of this internship has been the culture shock of relocating my life to a completely new place. I’ve adjusted plenty over the last six weeks, and I look forward to finding out what the rest of this internship will introduce me to.

E. Grapstein -–Buffalo Field Office, Buffalo, WY

Flowers Everywhere!


In the past couple weeks of work, my crew and I finished training (yay!!) and have begun our work in the field! Our main task is to use the AIM monitoring methods to gather baseline data for new monitoring points in our field office. Our data will be used to inform future land use plans, especially focusing on sage grouse habitat. Every day we get to visit a new place in our field office, and it seems we encounter a neat new plant everywhere we go! A couple of my favorites: Opuntia polyacantha (plains prickly pear caci are flowering everywhere right now!) and Astragalus ceramicus (painted milkvetch, a fitting name for obvious reasons 🙂

We took a week to attend the CLM workshop, where I not only enjoyed meeting all of you other interns, but loved the amazing gardens we were able to wander through between sessions. A personal favorite was the arid greenhouse, filled with gigantic cacti.

Since coming back to Wyoming we’ve been working again on our AIM monitoring sites, but have also had time to explore new exciting places on our weekends. Even as a “local,” I’ve enjoyed discovering, or rediscovering, some gorgeous places in the Bighorn mountains, where the wildflowers are just starting to hit peak season. Below is an amazing meadow purple with lupine for miles, including the rare all-white lupine, one of the Seven Brothers lakes, and my personal favorite flower, Myosotis alpestris. I’m looking forward to what we find in the weeks to come!


Here we go, New England!

Hello from my front porch in Somerville, Massachusetts! I am currently enjoying a hot cup of tea, the sounds of the city, the lingering smell of warm afternoon rain on asphalt and cement, and a moment of reflection on the incredible first week I have just had with the internship of my dreams at the New England Wild Flower Society’s Garden in the Woods .

Studying plant ecology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I never forgot how privileged I was to grow into my passion for the subject in such a rich botanical area. When I applied to the CLM program I steeled myself to head west and say goodbye to many of my favorite plants. I was excited to learn the botany of a new area but sad to leave the extreme diversity of my eastern home state. Imagine my delight when the offer from NEWFS’s Seeds of Success team came through my inbox carrying the promise of six more months with all that familiar diversity (and then some – our collection list includes over three hundred target species!).

An especially vibrant and somewhat blurry Kalmia about to bloom at NEWFS’s Garden in the Woods. A familiar face from my time working in the Southern Appalachians!

My SOS colleagues in the West are able to collect from huge swaths of BLM property, but the three SOS East teams work within a patchwork landscape that has been extensively occupied and developed on both geographic and temporal scales. Interns here face an additional stage in this early season: the hunt for permission. We are tasked with searching out properties of relevant habitat and adequate size and then directly requesting collection permits from land trusts and other conservation agencies. I have written a lot of emails this week! Fortunately, most conservationists in the area understand the significance of our project and are more than willing to allow us access to their properties. Though the East lacks the great open conservation lands of the West, it is truly amazing how many ecological gems you can still find tucked among historic cities and farmland, lovingly preserved by centuries of botanists, ecologists, and nature enthusiasts at large.

Of course, it wouldn’t be botany job if we didn’t sneak away from the office and hit the field for some flora study! Our awesome mentor Michael Piantedosi very transparently tried to make us all fall in love with New England this week (as if we needed any prompting) by taking us to two of the most gorgeous tracts of land I have ever seen.

First up was the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, a property of a staggering 4700+ acres of salt marsh and barrier sand dunes. It is truly something to look out over such a great expansive of marsh, broken up only by the alternating shades of Spartina patens, Juncus gerardii, and cuts of blue water. The dunes were equally beautiful and some of the tallest I have ever seen, held together by clumps of lichens and Hudsonia tomentosa and peaked with tufts of dune-building Ammophila breviligulata.

Not a tree in sight! Could this really be Massachusetts?

Hudsonia tomentosa (beach heather) in flower, framed by Ammophila breviligulata (American beachgrass). The guardians of the back dunes!

Yesterday we visited Ponkapoag Bog, a completely new habitat type for me. This location is remarkably just a handful of miles out of Boston in the Blue Hills but it feels like it’s on a different planet. We slipped and slid our way along the partially submerged boardwalk to scout out a number of Ericads and sedges, ooh and aah at the majestic Sarracenia purpurea, and squish a lot of Sphagnum. The next time we visit we’ll be armed with waders!

Michael Piantedosi leading the way through the bog and quietly suffering the loss of feeling in his wet feet.

My field notes are full of misspelled Latin after being introduced to so many new plants, but in just a few weeks I know my co-interns and I will be old hats at recognizing our target species and these feverish days of crowding around floras and cramming field characters will seem silly. I am not sure what stage of familiarizing myself with local botany I like better – meeting new species with fresh, eager eyes, or greeting them later as old friends.

My new favorite plant? Nuttalanthus canadensis, blue toadflax. See(d) you in three weeks when you fruit up!

Every day I have to take a moment to revel in the fact that this is really my life. I have never been so happy to go to work! I am endlessly grateful to the CLM program for this opportunity, and unbelievably excited for what the next six months hold.

Until next time!


First month as a BLM Recreation Intern

My name is Kelsey Piepkorn and I am from Minnesota. I started my internship at the end of May. I am a recreation intern at the BLM Burns District Office in Hines, OR. The BLM Burns District Office is responsible for 3.5 million acres! There is a wide variety of landscape throughout the district from sagebrush to the historical Diamond Craters as well as the Alvord Desert to the Steens Mountains. My internship has been filled with a variety of activities such as collecting data from traffic counters, hiking to monitoring remote campsites and rivers for the ability to cross, monitoring Wilderness Study Areas, and spending most of my time getting to know the Steens Mountains area. The locals say the Steens Mountains is a bit of an unknown beauty because it is overshadowed by the west coast. I have not been to the summit yet because there is still snow on top of the Steens Mountains. I went up most of the way with a mentor and it truly is breath-takingly beautiful. I also attended meetings and helped with Burns’ first ever “Gravel Grinder” bike race. I now understand how much effort goes into planning a bike race such as meetings, thoroughly marking the course, having people directing riders during the race, and having an Emergency Action Plan set. I was very impressed with the collaboration during the race to keep all the riders safe. I am honored to have helped make the first annual Skull 120/60 Bike Race a success.

Until next time.

Kelsey Piepkorn

Burns District, BLM

On the Steens Mountains as far as we could make it before the snow drifts. This is my office for the summer!

Up in the Steens Mountains area, there is this cool lake formed from snow melt.

In the Steens Mountains area during a 7-mile hike along the Blitzen River, I monitored remote campsites.


It was quite the week in Lander, Wy. We got back from our training in Chicago and finished our first seed collection on Monday. As we were leaving the site we thought we would take a further look down the road but ended up getting our truck stuck in a wash out. Our first Seeds of Success collection followed by our first save our souls moment, a double SOS day. Luckily, our amazing mentor, Emma, came with snacks and shovels.

We made it home safe and sound and hoped for a better field day tomorrow, but the bad luck kept coming. Tuesday we checked on a population of Rumex only to discover it had all been eaten by caterpillars while we were in Chicago (learning about herbivory I might add).

Luckily we found an amazing population of bitterroot which happens to be Emma’s favorite flower, back on her good side after the truck incident (jokes, Emma only has good sides). We also collected seed from a Musineon plant and I have decided that umbels are my favorite plant part. It’s so satisfying to pour all of those seeds in your bag and not even come close to touching 20% of the populations.

On Wednesday we began a collection of Astragalus pershii, the woollypod milk vetch. As the name suggests it was awesome to collect. The seed pods were large and furry and I definitely played with the tiny rabbit’s foot seed pods in my bag while looking for more plants.

Thursday we finished up the A. pershii collection and started a collection of Astragalus spatulatus, which turns out to be pretty prickly. I got a bit distracted by the phenotypic shape of this mat former…

Isn’t it cute? Not to anthropomorphize, but I took it as a sign that this plant appreciates our conservation efforts. Here is a different species (did not have time to key out, too busy collecting seeds) reaffirming this message:

Friday I left to go to Portland, OR for the Evolution Conference where I met up with another CLM intern, Lia Leibman, who is stationed in Boise, ID. The CLM program is awesome for growing your network across the country. So far I’ve heard some great talks about Sagebrush, Oenothera, and Penstemon and feel extra prepared to jump back into seed collections next week back in Lander!

Leah Prescott

Lander, Wy

National Forests and Grasslands of Texas

The trees were beginning to reach higher as the highway started to whine. The road had changed. I was heading South East when I began to notice that the road was all double lines; no passing. There were hills here. I wondered what the National Forests of East Texas would be like.

The three and a half hour drive didn’t take longer than that. I rolled into Lufkin, Texas on a Sunday evening and didn’t see the roaches on the floor of the Motel 6 until the next morning. I didn’t have to worry about another morning there as my internship mentor, Tom, had gone the extra distance for me before we had ever met. He had organized a possible place for me to live from a work colleague. All that I had to do was approve of it and move in. The place was in the middle of the woods and not a neighbor around. There were two stray dogs, a cat, and a bull and his mom to keep me company. It was very private.

On the first day I met Tom. He was different than I had imagined. His calm and patient voice on the phone did not prepare me for how he looked in real life. He was a strong fellow and a veteran. I could tell that he was used to the forests but had no idea how much he knew until the next day. He finished my paperwork that first day and I had two combinations to memorize as well as a handful of rules.

We had car trouble on the first day and almost got stuck on the second; but I’m not there yet. Tom introduced me to many people and one of them was Alan. Alan and Tom work on projects together. It was fascinating to ride in the back of the NRCS Suburban and listen to the two of them discuss the plants that they were developing together. Alan is a Master in Chemical Biology and the Manager / Supervisor for the NRCS’s Plant Research Center; otherwise known as the Experimental Forest. Tom is an experienced Botonist. So you can imagine how much info there was to take in from these two in a one hour setting (or driving).

I’m going to slow this blog down after I tell you about the second day because it is why I chose this direction in my life. Tom asked me to come in early on Tuesday and I did. I followed him out and watched his every move in order to prepare myself for the day that I would walk alone. There were backpacks and leg wraps to detour any snakes and ticks from reaching skin. Water, compass, a snack or two and something to write stuff down. I listened as he told me how to leave a trail in case I get lost. There were dartboards and sheets with check-in and out and a line for signatures.

He told me the codes and showed me where the keys were and after memorizing the codes we were driving in the Forest Service vehicle. He made one more stop and in stepped a long blond haired man in flip-flops and a T-shirt. The two talked together as they had done a million times before but I had no idea at that time what the day held in store or the fact that the flip flop guy was a scientist as well.

We drove for an hour and a half and entered the Sam Houston National Forest. I learned many words that day as we walked for TEN hours through the forests of East Texas and “stand” was one of them. I learned that a stand of trees was nothing complicated other than how they were standing in organization in the woods. The two that I was with began pointing out plants to me by their scientific name as well as their common name. I was slapped in the face with the reality of the fact that I had much to learn and following these two guys was a great place to start.

Ten hours was a long time to walk but it seemed to bother none of us. The forests were beautiful. Ten hours was blink of an eye. We almost got stuck leaving the first stand and I was got to help push. The spin of the tire threw mud all over me a few times and we finally made it out. Tom walked passed me and stopped and had a look at me. He simply said with that calm quiet voice, “Welcome to the Forest Service.”

To be continued…

Dat Field Life

Tis the season to collect seeds! This summer I’ll be in Vernal, UT which is where I’m currently wrapping up my first week collaborating with the Seeds of Success (SOS) project. There’s nothing like loads of mosquito bites and a 10 degree burn on my lower back/butt crack to remind me that the field life isn’t glamorous by any means. It’s a good thing that glitz and glamour were never my vibe because this job isn’t for the weak at heart. What an amateur move on the sunburn though! That very first day out in the field I turned to my crew and said “Last year I got a really bad sunburn on my lower back from bending over with a short shirt on.” Mid seed collection I felt that burn as I tucked my shirt back into my pants for the fifth time that day. I thought that shirt was longer than it actually was when I slipped it on that morning and was sadly disappointed by that pitiful shirt combo with my long torso.

As a veteran AIM crew member, I’m enjoying learning different techniques and a completely different project altogether, although the purpose of this project is different than what I initially expected. I thought it had a lot more to do with preserving and rescuing threatened and endangered species but it turns out we are trying to avoid collecting from these as much as possible. The main purpose of this project is to find out what species thrive best at reclamation sites with the ultimate goal of reseeding those locations with a beautiful native plant species and ultimately replacing the hideously invasive cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Land restoration is important, unfortunate that we even have to do it but still very important. This first plant we collected was yellow milkvetch (Astragalus flavus) a perennial in the legume family. I was pleasantly surprise to learn how easy the seeds peel off and how fast my little paper bag filled up. We also collected loads of Sphaeralcea parvifolia throughout this week. I’m sure not all species we encounter this season will be as convenient to gather but it’s nice that some are. We currently have 18 target species that we hope to collect by August.

Most field days have been a success, with a plethora of seeds to show for it but we found out that one of our target species, Cleome lutea, has a very small collection window, which is why no other group has successfully collected it. The two sites previously scouted had empty pods or under ripe seeds when we went to visit a couple days ago. We decided that we may have to camp out to successfully collect seeds from this species. I would be excited about camping if it weren’t for the fact that this site that had the most mosquitos I’ve ever seen in my life! I had a net jacket on and the little boogers still managed to bite my chin and wrists. You should see the welts these guys left behind its pretty pathetic how much mosquitos like me but I know of an awesome trick I want to share with you. Drink a couple ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in eight ounces of water for a week and mosquitos will not touch you with a ten foot pole. I assume that’s because continual ingestion of it causes it to come out of your pores. ACV is also great for gastrointestinal issues, you just have to drink it about 30 minutes before lunch and dinner. It taste bitter but you can doll it up with a little lemon and honey. Once I’m drinking it consistently I actually acquire a flavor for it and start to crave it. Unfortunately, I just started drinking it two days ago because I didn’t expect to see mosquitos my first week. It slipped my mind that they were even a possibility! The suckers were just waiting to give me a very warm welcome back into the field lifestyle. Mosquitos or no mosquitos, I thoroughly enjoy the benefits of being out in the field. I get paid to hike and go on plant treasure hunts, exploring Martian habitats I may never have discovered and meeting new species of all types. We found a horny toad I named Ted

Astragalus flavus

Cleome lutea

Sphaeralcea parvifolia

Devil’s Playground, UT

Ted (Phrynosoma)

that was the most chill creature I’ve ever hung out with. Yea I got a little attached to it and really wanted to take him home and make him my pet but I resisted the urge and left him in his comfortable habitat. Ted, I’ll miss you buddy! He lives in Devil’s playground and will remain the devil’s play pet. I look forward to many more adventures and also to sharing those experiences with all you cool cats.




Blissful Scouting and Wild Penstemon Chases

It has been one crazy month here in the Colorado State Office, since my first blog post. The rest of May was a blur of trips to the Western Slope, monitoring all sort of rare plants. We determined that our crew visited/worked in all the Colorado Counties bordering Utah in less than 30 days – quite a feat on our part! My crew took part in monitoring Oreocarya revealii in southwest Colorado, to searching for Penstemon grahamii and Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis up in the Northwest corner of the state.

A rare and newly described species from southwest Colorado (Dolores and San Miguel counties), Oreocarya revealii. A Boranginaceae family member, this is more commonly known as Gypsum valley cat-eye, named for the bright yellow center of the flower. It is found with a wonderful association of a gray cryptobiotic lichen, one I wish I knew more of.  Photo: B. Palmer

This little plant is Penstemon grahamii, a Uinta/Piceance Basin-endemic plant limited living on calcareous shale of the Green River Formation, as you can see in the picture. This little plant has been involved in various lawsuits to get it listed as an endangered species. Photo: B. Palmer

The beautiful beardtongue known as Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvus. Along with P. grahamii, this one is also found around northwestern Colorado on rocky shale areas and steep slopes. This is a newly added species into the monitoring program in Colorado. Photo: B. Palmer

I realize that many CLM interns may understand the importance of monitoring, however, I know my blog reaches a broader audience of friends and family that may not understand why I care about rare plant monitoring. For those of you that don’t quite understand the mechanics of it all, I will attempt to sum it up for you in a concise matter…why should we care about that little Penstemon found only on the Uinta Basin? Or how about the tiny cactus endemic to only a small portion of Colorado and Utah? A long, winding story cut short, they are part of something bigger. Because these plants are rare, and found only in special conditions filling unique niches, by definition they are more susceptible to the changes humans have brought on since the 1500s. They (along with other common species) are influenced through habitat loss and degradation, over-exploited land resources, and even the introduction of invasive, highly competitive species. This may lead to the extinction of species. Of course, extinction may be a standard process that affects every living species on this planet. But when extinctions happen at the abnormally high rate it has, we risk losing what I hope we hold dear to our hearts – healthy land. So why care about plant conservation? These plants help make our world more diverse, and that biodiversity is an undermining key of all functioning ecosystems. If we lose biodiversity, we lose a healthy planet. We don’t only monitor plants for the sake of being loving plant nerds in the first place, but because we care about the future of our land.

Now stepping off my little soapbox, monitoring some of these rare plants can be hard work, and often enough, finding these populations is no easy feat…a “wild goose chase” if you will, or rather, more often it was a “wild penstemon chase.” As I may have mentioned in my previous post, we search for new populations to monitor through Element Occurrence Records (EOR’s), based on natural heritage surveys. Sometimes it took us on to steep mountainsides. On top of climbing up mountainsides in the dry heat, we must keep the integrity of our research pure, our confident intervals high, and follow protocols to the best of our abilities.

Here is CLM intern Taryn Contento, attempting to show off the steep landscape we trekked up near Rangely, Colorado, to look for an element occurrence record of Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis. Although out of breath and fatigued (at least I was…), we managed to find a few plants up there. Photo: B. Palmer


Of course, we make time to have a little fun too outside of searching for plants. While in Southwestern Colorado between locations, we made a detour to check out some of the local scenes, and buy some fresh Anasazi beans.

We managed to detour to Mesa Verde National Park…how does one travel this far away from home and NOT see the park? This is known as “Spruce House,” named by the large pine tree on the left side of the picture….I’ll let you determine whether that is truly a Spruce or not, as it was heatedly discussed in our group… Photo: B. Palmer

After spending so much time on the Western Slope looking for rare plants in May, monitoring had come to a short stand still, and I had finally been able to go around Colorado in search of seeds to collect for Seeds of Success! Travelling around with the rare plants crew in May was slightly nerve-wrecking, as everywhere we went was incredibly dry, with very few plants flowering, not not many large SOS-sized populations about. I was nervous I wouldn’t find much to collect for SOS this year. However, with my first initial scouting trips, I was pleasantly surprised at the things I saw, and rewarded with spectacular views.

Dalea jamesii, James’ Prairie Clover, growing around a little cactus. The D. jamesii was a surprising and great find, and I hope can be part of an SOS collection! Photo: B. Palmer

Definitely no disappointment here, just another day at work…I caught a beautiful scene in Grand County, Colorado, painted in beautiful greens of the nearby forests, and a landscape speckled yellow with flowering Purshia tridentata and Eriogonum umbellatum. Photo: B. Palmer

Another pleasant scene from Grand County, Colorado. The yellow blanket of buckwheat flowers, Eriogonum umbellatum var. majus, will likely add to another SOS collection when it fruits. Photo: B. Palmer

Scouting is perhaps one of the more important steps in Seeds of Success. It is always about being in the right place, at the right time; one would have to find that area “chock-a-block” full of whatever species is desired. There is a lot of BLM surface land in Colorado (8.5 million acres), so it can be a lot of land to cover! Being at the State office, I have to plan for my trips possibly a little more carefully than being stationed at a field office. My shortest drive time to decent BLM land on average is two hours away drive time and often longer. Because I must account for time spent travelling, there is no time to get lost, and must stay focused while out in the field! This can be a daunting task, because once out in the field, it is easy to go astray and take time enjoying the scenery, keying things out, and pressing plants, and generally just enjoying the outdoors. But, no matter what I have been looking for or where I am going, being out in the field is almost always rewarding!

Although I only saw a few, they were too photogenic to pass up. You know you are in Colorado when Aquilegia coerulea greets you on a bright, sunny day! Photo: B. Palmer

What can I say – I enjoy being outdoors! The SOS season has started out slow and is still just getting started for me, but I can already tell it will be one rewarding summer, with many collections to come! I hope everyone else is enjoying their summers as well, with positive vibes coming your way, from Sunny Colorado. Until next time!

-Brooke Palmer, Colorado State Office