What were they thinking?!

               This month I have considered the following:  present land management decisions based on past measures that are best for the future.  Differing opinions and politics surface because of the predictive requirements of land management decisions. The Arcata field office handles these expertly, respectfully addressing and discussing different points of view both amongst the public and within the office.  However, these decisions are complex and intricate, and the best ones are often obscured, demonstrating that predicting the future, indeed, is a difficult feat.

                The first scenario where I was exposed to the tension of past and future management decisions was during a field day with geologist Sam and fisheries biologist AJ at Baker Creek, a small tributary that feeds into the Mattole River.  Baker Creek serves as important spawning habitat for coho salmon, which are facing extirpation from the Mattole Watershed.  In the late 1970s, BLMers removed fallen redwood logs from the tributary to increase water flow.  Our reaction, today, to that decision: What were they thinking?! The logs are crucial for creating salmon habitat because the wood dams up water, creating pools that are banquets of aquatic invertebrates for coho to feast on and fills the groundwater in the surrounding floodplain, which is a crucial water source for the tributary during the dry season.  Last year, the Arcata BLM felled and dragged small trees into the creek to correct the management decision of the 70s.

                The second scenario is an on-going discussion in the office about how to respond to Sudden Oak Death, a rapidly-spreading phytophthora that destroys the tanoak populations and threatens the forest ecosystems in Northern California and much of the west coast.  It is difficult to gauge the threat of SOD, recalling the predictive nature of land management decisions.  Some argue that the BLM should aggressively eradicate the disease through pesticide application and removal of whole infected tree stands. Others argue that we should proceed cautiously, focusing efforts on forest health by selective thinning and monitoring.  Since “heavy-handed approaches” have not been effective in the past and the office wants to avoid future errors, we currently implement a cautious approach.  The conversation continues.

                Whether its building coho salmon habitat or planning a SOD response, the BLM is both assertively correcting past mistakes and cautiously preparing for future scenarios.  Of course, predicting the future and criticizing the past are futile. Instead, we focus on making careful decisions based on current information learned from past mistakes so that, in the future, the phrase “what were they thinking!?” is uttered even less frequently then it is now.

Mattole Channelized

Baker Creek after the logs were removed and before restoration.  Notice the channelization of the stream. (Curtesy of the Sanoma Land Trust)

April Blog Baker

Baker Creek after restoration, logs in place.


Did you catch my Bill Nye reference?

Back to work!

Greetings everybody!

Looks like everybody is having a great time! I love all the picutres up on the blog right now. Sadly, I am the worst at taking non-work related pictures..I promise my newly-back-at-work resolution will be to take more pictures!

So I’ve been back at work for three weeks now (this is my third CLM internship, and my second one here in Montrose, CO) and I’ll tell you what, my “tor”-mentor is getting his money’s worth! Straight back into things! But I absolutely adore this job so it’s been great to get back to work. Let’s see, so far I’ve:

• spent a week doing Sclerocactus glaucus (only the cutest cactus on the western slope!) monitoring with the awesome CLM Denver crew (shout out to Nathan, Phil, and Carol!!)
• jumped right back into rare plant surveying – hunting down Payson Lupine and Naturita Milkvetch in the west end and discovering our first population of Naturita Milkvetch here on our side of the plateau (only Phil, Nathan, please tell Carol that I only found a total of 18 Naturita Milkvetch’s at that site in Escalante…which means that we collected like, 10% of the populaion with our two samples…)
• aaaaand I’ve also been going out in the field and checking on some old data we have for various species of Oenothera for Miss Krissa at the CBG who I will hopefully get to meet sometime in the near future when she comes out here to do some work with Oenothera (check out her lab! http://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/skogen/index.html, her research is pretty darn neat!)

Isn't it adorable!?

Isn’t it adorable!?

So that’s the skinny on what’s been going on so far! Looking forward to some cool things coming up!! Lek count tonight/early tomorrow morning, High Lonesome Ranch cactus work (where I will hopefully meet the cowboy of my dreams and we’ll ride off into the sunset together!!), river trip to survey cactus down the Escalante strip of the Gunni (that’ll be awesome, the river rangers are kinda the cool kids at the office – the football players, if you will, and while I’m just a band nerd they’re really nice to me!), aaaaand then my sister will be in town and we’re gonna rage a quick trip to Moab! (And that only takes us to the middle of May!) I promise I’ll try to take some awesome pictures to make my blog more readable.

Also – I would just like to point out that my “tor”-mentor has been staring over my shoulder this whole time, correcting my spelling errors.

Your Cohort –

Brandee Wills
Uncompahgre Field Office BLM
Montrose, CO

Some of my favorite things…

I have been seeing so many beautiful flowering plants so far this spring I thought I would share them with you! These are some of my favorite plants so far on the SBNF.

This is the Forest Service sensitive Mojave paintbrush (Castilleja plagiotoma). It is endemic to the SBNF and is the host plant for the larvae of the watch list Checkerspot butterfly.

This is the Forest Service sensitive Mojave paintbrush (Castilleja plagiotoma). It is endemic to the SBNF and is the host plant for the larvae of the watch list Checkerspot butterfly.

The scale bud (Anisocoma acaulis) is one of my favorite desert annuals on the SBNF.

The scale bud (Anisocoma acaulis) is one of my favorite desert annuals on the SBNF.

The mojave mound cactus (Echinocereus mojavensis).

The mojave mound cactus (Echinocereus mojavensis).

I have seen this adorable San Diego coast horned lizard twice now on the forest! It plays dead to catch bugs to eat and is a watch list species on the SBNF.

I have seen this adorable San Diego coast horned lizard twice now on the forest! It plays dead to catch bugs to eat and is a watch list species on the SBNF.

This beautiful ash-gray paintbrush (Castilleja cinerea) is federally threatened and only found in the San Bernadino mountains.

This beautiful ash-gray paintbrush (Castilleja cinerea) is federally threatened and only found in the San Bernadino mountains.

Ivesia agryocoma

Ivesia agryocoma

The flowers of the Forest Service sensitive silver-haired ivesia (Ivesia agryocoma).

The flowers of the Forest Service sensitive silver-haired ivesia (Ivesia agryocoma).

Forest Service sensitive Parish's rock cress (Boechera parishii) is endemic to the San Bernadino mountains.

Forest Service sensitive Parish’s rock cress (Boechera parishii) is endemic to the San Bernadino mountains.

Forest Service sensitive Peirson's spring beauty (Claytonia lanceolata var. peirsonii).

Forest Service sensitive Peirson’s spring beauty (Claytonia lanceolata var. peirsonii).

Another Forest Service sensitive Phlox dolichantha.

Another Forest Service sensitive Phlox dolichantha.

This is the Forest Service sensitive Parish's alumroot (Heuchera parishii).

This is the Forest Service sensitive Parish’s alumroot (Heuchera parishii).

The Forest Service sensitive Coville's dwarf abronia (Abronia nana ssp. covellei).

The Forest Service sensitive Coville’s dwarf abronia (Abronia nana ssp. covellei).

This is my first rattlesnake that I have seen out in the field.

This is my first rattlesnake that I have seen out in the field.

The beautiful flowers of Yucca schidigera.

The beautiful flowers of Yucca schidigera.

This is beavertail cactus (Opuntia basilaris).

This is beavertail cactus (Opuntia basilaris).

In terms of work, I have been surveying some potential OHV routes out on a high desert area of the forest, which is where I have taken many of the these photos. There also has been a bit of survey work on a limestone mining claim. Limestone has many endemic plant species, not to mention federally threatened and endangered ones as well.

There are so many TESW (Threatened, endangered, sensitive and watch) plant species here, I have been spending a decent amount of my time entering those data into the federal database.

I attended a Poaceae workshop with many of my colleagues, which was very informative and very fun. I also took a trip back to Joshua Tree NP on my personal time and was rewarded with lots of wildflowers and pleasant temperatures.

The Enchanting Rogue Valley

It has been an exciting time for wildflower surveying in and around the Rogue Valley. My partner and I are reaching a lull period where we wait for the plants in the locations we have scouted to go to seed. Through scouting locations and surveying for botanicals we have discovered a number of incredibly scenic hikes, of which one of our favorites is the Enchanted Forest Trail in the Applegate Valley. If you happen to visit or live in the area and have not been on this trail, check it out!

This week we have had the fantastic opportunity to help a crew of professional and amateur botanists survey French Flat in Cave Junction, OR for the rare and endangered plant Lomatium cookii. This has proven to be a very rewarding experience. We have had the opportunity to work with this rare plant while also scouting the surrounding area for suitable populations for voucher pressings and seed collection. Very knowledgeable researchers for the project took us on naturalist hikes to become even better acquainted with the flora of the region.

Also while waiting for our populations to seed, next week we will be photographing plant vouchers here at the Medford BLM office to help digitize their herbarium and link all of the images to their plant database!

All in all we have been learning TONS of previously unfamiliar flora while enjoying the last bit of Spring here in southern Oregon. If you haven’t been out here in the spring time, I highly recommend it. There is always more to see!

Take it easy,

– Jason Wilson

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Over the hills and far away

Well, one drastic change that I have noticed is that I can no longer sleep past 5am.  I get up for Sage Grouse monitoring at 3am all week, and now even on weekends I am up before the sun making breakfast.  It is very quiet in the early morning, while drinking my tea I often watch the sun creep over the hills and sagebrush, across West Valley, and up and over Likely Mountain.  Although the early morning sunrises are pretty wonderful, my favorite time of everyday is the early evening.  As the sun retreats, the sky becomes ablaze with oranges, yellows, and pinks.  The Warner Mountain range to the east catches the last rays and turns pink and blue, the snowy tops shining against the deep blue of night’s approach.

I have seen many grouse at different distances.  Sometimes I use a spotting scope to look across a dry lake bed, other times I use binoculars and look out the truck windows, and every now and again, I have to hike right up to the proximity limit and count them without any visual aid.  One important lesson has been to trust my instincts.  Often the GPS points are off or the lek has shifted and/or the map is wrong.  Looking through a scope or binoculars, it is easy to misread the terrain as well.  It seems very flat and the map does not indicate much topography, the birds are supposed to be right there, but where are they?  I hike over and begin to hear them.  I keep going and as it turns out, there is a depression that you can only see up close and they are all within.

Many plants are finally beginning to come up and bloom.  Many more, however, have yet to show themselves.  The drought is taking its toll on many plants.  Even some of our invasive grasses like cheatgrass and  medusa head have not come up in some locations.  The flowers that have come up I have very much enjoyed, they have transformed some pretty bland areas by bringing color into a green and drown landscape.  I often wonder how I am going to be able to remember all the plants from Ohio after this, so much Latin so little time.

Pictures from top to bottom

Greater Sage Grouse captured for banding and measurement as Massacre Bench, NV

Sunrise from Cinder Pit, CA at about 5:30am

View from the Top of Tuledad Canyon, CA

Abandoned homestead found in Surprise Valley, NV

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Spring Time Update

Hello again! I hope everyone is having a wonderful time being a CLM intern and enjoying the chance to expand our knowledge in the field that we are interested in.  I sure am enjoying my internship with the BLM, in Kemmerer, WY. 

It’s now the end of April and field season has started for most everyone. Last week I was able to drive a UTV up into a cattle allotment I managed last summer. The weather was gorgeous, highs in the mid 60’s and just a small breeze, in my opinion the mid 60’s is the perfect temperature.  Although lots of snow still exists, it was a real treat to see what the area looks like in early spring.  After enjoying the beautiful spring like weather for a week it’s back to snow and cold this week. Being from Wyoming myself, I should be used to getting teased with spring, then going back to winter; but I am not and I don’t think I will ever be used to it.

I also found out we will be having another CLM intern (Cody) joining us at the office starting next Monday. He will be assisting in grazing permit renewals, monitoring efforts, and helping me with unauthorized cattle use and many other associated tasks. I think Cody will benefit in so many ways joining the CLM team.  I hope everyone enjoys their spring, and until next time, try to have fun!

Jeremy Sykes

Bureau of Land Management

Kemmerer, WY

Sagebrush and Leks in Twin Falls, ID

Hello everybody!

Beautiful snow-capped mountains!

Beautiful snow-capped mountains!

Just finished up a whirlwind first week here in the Jarbidge BLM Field Office in Twin Falls, ID and it’s been great so far! Aside from training, I got to join along an agency tour of some sites managed by my field office, which was amazing! It is still cold enough in the higher elevations that the mountains were still snow-capped. I was also lucky enough to get out before dawn to see some sage grouse leks and help with the male counts, which was really cool!

On my free time, I’ve checked some of the hidden gem spots between Twin Falls and Boise, which offer tons of recreational activities, especially hiking and photography, two of my favorites. I’m amazed by how much history is packed into this state and the different landscapes! Some recommended places are Malad Gorge, Bonneville Point, and anywhere in Thousand Springs State Park. I’m a bit of a history nerd, so I was pretty excited to learn more about the portions of the Oregon Trail which ran through Idaho, and it was cool to see the marked pass points and wagon wheel ruts that still exist today.

The sagebrush landscape

The sagebrush landscape

Ritter Island was still closed from the winter season, but it’s supposedly a birder’s paradise, so I plan to go up there pretty soon again because it looked beautiful from the gates.





Next week we start some monitoring projects and spend more time out in the field. Can’t wait!


Maria Paula

Jarbidge Field Office, Twin Falls, ID

Indian paintbrush!

Indian paintbrush!

Everyday is TREE Day at the Truckee!

Fellow intern Andrii exploring Centennial Park with Carson City in the background.

Fellow intern Andrii exploring Centennial Park with Carson City in the background.

Balsamorhiza sagitata

Balsamorhiza sagitata

Iva axillaris breaking through asphalt at the base of C hill!

Iva axillaris breaking through asphalt at the base of C hill!

Erythranthe carsoniensis

Erythranthe carsoniensis

What a busy few weeks it has been! We’ve added another intern to our team, mapped the illusive and beautiful Webber’s Ivsia (Ivsia webberi), surveyed for rare monkey flowers (Erythranthe carsoniensis and Mimulus ovatus) and monitored drought conditions on grazing allotments. We also got the chance to help out with the Truckee River Environmental Education (TREE) day. This proved to be a welcome chance to play outside while doing something good for the planet on Earth Day.

TREE Day is an environmental education event for 4th and 5th graders from Reno, jointly hosted by the Nevada Nature Conservancy and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. It’s held at the McCarran Ranch, just west of Sparks, right on the Truckee River. About 250 kids came to rotate around the many interactive stations and learn about the ecosystem they were visiting. There was a water quality station, a meandering river station, and a wetland wildlife station complete with tadpoles and snakes. The other interns and I were responsible for two stations: a Botany Safari and an Invasive Weed Game. I took on the responsibility of editing and running the Invasive Weed Game and it quickly changed from a responsibility to my favorite pastime. I designed a race for resources meant to describe the competitive advantage that makes noxious weeds such a threat to native plants. When the game finally debuted, it was a hit! The kids were thoughtful and bright, energetic and ready to have fun. The game leaders fed off their energy and enthusiasm for nature and the station was a grand success! It was such a joy to hear 9 year olds shouting “Go Sagebrush Go!”

Who knows, maybe we met some CLM 2026 interns on TREE Day!

Happy Earth Day!



Carson City, BLM

Rare plant work: Ivesia Webberi

Ivesia Webberi  is a proposed threatened species that is native to Nevada and California. We had the pleasure of trying to seek out this low growing plant that has a way of melting into the landscape and mapping out its occurrence within Eagle Canyon (area located North of Reno). Eagle Canyon is a large OHV area full of dumping sites and shooting range disturbance.

The I. Webberi that we were documenting has a knack for hiding within communities of Lomatium austinae, which also has yellow flowers and is low growing. I. webberi has a distinctive red stem protruding from a rosette that leads up to its beautiful star shaped flowers as well as, lobbed red tipped leaves that are numerous, 4-8 leaflets per side. This beautiful little plant enjoys sandy clay soils and is associated with Artemisia arbuscula communities.

The beautiful little Ivesia webberi.

The beautiful little Ivesia webberi.


A wonderful image showing the red tipped leaves of I. webberi.

A wonderful image showing the red tipped leaves of I. webberi.

We as a team canvassed a previously mapped out polygon indicated Ivesia webberi existence within a large area. We were able to refine the polygon by finding and mapping out the occurrence and presence of these plants within the large polygon. We helped determine and refine search areas for future mapping surveys.

Within the new small polygon communities that we were able to find, we had the opportunity to set up a few photo plots. It was educational to see all the work that goes into creating a photo plot. A photo plot aids in monitoring the species over time, helping managers see how communities change and hopefully see competition that is occurring.  I will give you a small insight into a quick version of work put into setting up a photo plot. This is only a very quick representation of the work and a few key point needed for a photo plot.

Quick Key points needed for a 1 meter square Photo Plot:

  1. Find a patch of the species of interest within the associated polygon of distribution. This patch of species should contain a grouping of native perennial plants that live in association with the species of interest.
  2. The plot needs to be set up with the leading edge facing north.
  3. Hammer rebar into the ground at two of the 1meter squared corners, make sure the rebar is not sticking up to far or is so low that is will be hard to find later. You want to find the plot in the future.
  4. Take a picture of the plot. It is after all a Photo Plot.
  5. GPS the center point of the photo plot. DO NOT stand in the middle of the plot to take this point. The idea is to document the area without disturbing it with your large feet.
  6. Draw out the plot, yes with pencil and paper. This includes documenting the species both annuals and perennials, as well as any key identifying features, such as large rocks.
  7. Count and document the number of species and their size. Number each of the species of interest, they are their own individual.
  8. Count the amount of flowering stocks on each flowering individual, keep each count specific to that individual.
  9. Document the stage class distribution of the plants ex: Seedling, Juvenile, Mature (flowering and Non-flowering), Senesced and Dead.
  10. Measure the distance from the center of the photo plot to the transect. The transect is the line of interest that was run through the polygon community, so the relative number of individuals within that whole area could be counted and documented.

This is only a small simple version of some of the work that goes into setting up a photo plot it is in no means a complete accurate representation of all of the work and documentation that goes into setting up a photo plot.


Working hard in the Provo Shrub Science Lab

Hello everyone, following my last post, I keep moving forward with my experiments and developing our research methods, at the Provo Shrub Lab. Our results with the electronic nose are very promising. Additionally we are now receiving sagebrush samples from Idaho to analyze. And we are planning to work with some samples from the warehouses to adapt our experiments to the seed analysis. Last month I continued collecting some samples and I had the opportunity to visit the Desert Experimental Range in Southern Utah, and learn more about the Great Basin region. My advisor is encouraging me to publish our results, so I have started to work more with the data analysis. Like my previous posts, I have to say that every day I am learning more from my advisor and my companions.

Thank you CLM for this opportunity, it is a pleasure to work in such a nice place like the Provo Shrub Science Lab, and have this learning experience.


Provo, UT

Forest Service, Provo Shrub Science Lab
