The End to My Five Month Internship

Today is my last day for my CLM internship with the Bureau of Land Management at their Colorado State Office. My time here has been short, but great. I have met some wonderful people at this office who I will miss conversing with, including my two mentors, Carol Dawson and Peter Gordon. It is tough to wrap-up my five months here, but will do my best to supply snippets of my time and experiences in Colorado.

The pace of this job started off in a sprint and rarely slowed down to a run during my internship. We focused on monitoring rare plants while squeezing in Seeds of Success where ever possible so as to prepare for when projects grayed together towards shifting to the later second project. What made my time at this job fly by so fast was the variety of work. I collected data out in the field, I entered the data onto Excel and manipulated some of the data in the office, hiked outside identifying plants, determining which ones had a large enough population, and enough viable seed to collect, made 30 collections of seed, many of them requiring multiple trips in order to get enough seed, filling out the datasheets for the collections, packing the seed, and shipping all of it from the office out to Bend, Oregon to be cleaned and stored.

During all of this, my mentors also provided other opportunities to help further our experiences such as visiting the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, CO, attending the 8th Annual Colorado Rare Plant Symposium in Carbondale, CO, as well as attending a presentation on how to apply on USAjobs website.

Our trip to the NCGRP was very interesting and informative. Part of the purpose was so that my co-worker and I could see a similar facility to where we had been shipping our seed collections to, what they do with the seed after cleaning, how the seed is stored, and how ways they check viability over the years. It was also educational in what exactly this facilities goals and purpose is. The NCGRP’s main task is to collect genetic DNA diversity of our agricultural food, such as crops and livestock (mostly crops) because the large agriculture industries across the United States are all using the same crops/hybrids/varieties, cattle breeds, etc. that produce the highest yields and profits. The consequence of this is that we are currently in the same position as pre-potato famine Ireland. For example, one individual Holstein bull is the father of thousands of offspring because his genetics produce better yields, but if a disease develops that he was more susceptible to, all of his offspring would have a higher likelihood of dying as well. The same applies to all our livestock and crops. So this department of our Federal Government’s goal is to try and obtain as much agricultural genetic diversity as possible before all or most of it is lost over time in case a scenario similar to the one I described occurs. Many varieties of corn have already gone extinct due to no one using them anymore, so our government is doing its best to protect our future since our “private industries” do not have our interest and future stability in mind.

Penstemon debilis

Penstemon debilis

Cool habitat for P. debilis, our monitoring plot, and an awesome view

Cool habitat for P. debilis, our monitoring plot, and an awesome view

Well, to wrap-up, here is one highlight of my experiences I’ve had working for CLM in Denver, Colorado. My fondest memory of rare plant monitoring was working just outside of Silt, CO within the Roan Plateau working with Penstemon debilis that had been discovered just 25 years ago. The scenery was beautiful hiking up the mountain on an old oil shale mining road, and seeing such an interesting and rare habitat in an area no one else was allowed to visit.

Looking out from P. debilis monitoring plot

Looking out from P. debilis monitoring plot

Close-up view of monitoring plot location for P. debilis

Close-up view of monitoring plot location for P. debilis

Far view of monitoring plot location for P. debilis: We were way up there and it was awesome!!

Far view of monitoring plot location for P. debilis: We were way up there and it was awesome!!

This is Jeffrey, signing out on the CLM blog for my last time with the Colorado BLM State Office. Goodbye and good luck to all you future CLM interns on your new adventures.

Sierras at Last

Although the central valley’s chaparral is an ecological wonderland, something about the coniferous forests and mountains has always called to me.  From the moment I got my job offer here in El Dorado Hills, all I thought was YOSEMITE.

Ahhh Yosemite, a mecca of towering granite, incomparable waterfalls, beautiful vistas, and lush alpine meadows.

I’d read John Muir and drooled over enough Ansel Adams photographs to know the central valley by heart. Finally, at long last, it was my turn.

Despite my enthusiasm, the weeks ticked slowly by, and I hadn’t made it yet. What stood in my way? Flashbacks of my trip to Yellowstone in July quickly come to mind—in all its crowded, hot, and sticky glory.

However, the season’s  first snow– while backpacking at Lake Tahoe no less—gave me just the kick in the butt I needed.  With uncontrollable excitement (and veiled uncertainty), I packed the car and embarked on my maiden voyage.

For all my anticipation and high expectations, Yosemite did not disappoint. It’s a place whose beauty I cannot articulate.

The days flew by, but moments lingered with a satisfying deliciousness. I visited the giant sequoias, snapped hundreds of photos, patiently explained that being from Ohio doesn’t make me a buckeye fan, and looked for bears around every bend.

Rarely have I had the opportunity to travel to such a beautiful place alone and enjoy its splendor on my own schedule.  I reveled in it all.

I’ll admit that sometimes I question my judgment– just a little bit. When did hiking for miles straight uphill with a fifty pound pack alone become my idea of fun?

Don’t you get lonely and sore and bored?


Aren’t you worried about the bears?


What happens if you get hurt?


Wouldn’t you much rather sleep in a bed, drink beer, and eat fresh eggs for breakfast?


These thoughts drifted through my mind as I hiked–challenging the very core of my being that brought me here. Yet somewhere between the moon shadows, breathtaking vistas, and thundering waterfalls, they fell silent– leaving only a feeling of utter peace in their wake.

Over and out.

Sophia Weinmann, El Dorado Hills, CA


Autumn in New Mexico is continuing to amaze me as the cottonwoods begin to change color. This November has been one of the most eventful months during this internship. I explored White Sands, a huge desert with stark white sand and found that I’m a big fan of anywhere that I can hike barefoot. A big activity here is to “sled” on the sand dunes, which I didn’t do this time but I will have to go back and give it a try. My co-intern/roommate took a new position in Arizona at the beginning of the month.  I’m headed to Roswell, New Mexico for the week to assist with Culp Sand Bluestem planting trials, and for Thanksgiving I am vacating to Denver, Colorado to spend the holiday with some friends. It’s hard to imagine that I only have one month left but I’m sure to keep busy.

All that I have left to do for SOS is to ship off vouchers and check over data that was entered into the BG-base. Although having completed more collections would have been great, I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything. I was able to evolve my education into experience. I’ve been able to assist in wildlife project checks, burn restoration, field monitoring and rare plant surveying.


Barefoot hiking at White Sands


This month I’ve spent mostly indoors in the Portland BLM office working on updating and editing the Survey and Manage website ( which is getting moved to a new site with a new format. It’s a very tedious and time consuming project and not at all worth talking about at length BUT I did get to go outside one day…

I was invited to attend the Wildlife and TES (Threatened & Endangered Species) Program Manager Meeting for their field trip day in HJ Andrews Experimental Forest located just east of Eugene, OR. We visited a series of sites and discussed the variety of thinning methods they are testing in an effort to create and maintain healthy forest ecosystems in the post-clearcut environment. Coming from the southeast, it was interesting to learn more about the overwhelming number of problems stemming from the lack of old-growth forests in this region. Since all of the trees are now approximately the same age and size, foresters are experimenting with an assortment of decapitation techniques to kill a portion of the trees and create habitat for certain snag-dependent species (primarily woodpeckers). They showed us how they’ve been monitoring changes in the vegetation and wildlife species like flying squirrels and terrestrial amphibians. In 2009, they even discovered a new species of slug: Carinacauda stormi a.k.a. the Cascade Axetail.

I was also amazed to hear the different attitudes toward Barred Owls in Oregon. They present a problem similar to coyotes in Florida… Sure, they’re native to the country but they’ve only been able to spread to this area because of the changes we have made to the landscape and wildlife populations. I was aware that they sometimes interbreed with the Northern Spotted Owls (to create “Sparred” and “Botted Owls” : ) but I hadn’t heard about the Fish and Wildlife proposal to “remove” some of them (yep, that’s a euphemism). I refuse to become one of those people who oppose an issue for personal reasons and ignore the ecological benefits, but it does seem to be an uphill kind of battle.

My ulterior motive for the day was to make acquaintances with a couple of individuals who will still be conducting fieldwork over the winter months and I succeeding in doing that. I hope to never be faced with the decision of whether or not I should post a picture of myself sitting in my cubicle. I know that I’m helping to push a lot of important low-priority projects through that have been put off for years but mostly it just feels like a lot of computer work. At least next week I know I’ll be out hunting slugs and I CAN’T WAIT!

Lara Drizd, Forest Service Regional Office & BLM State Office, Portland, OR

Variety is the Spice of…MY JOB! (part 2)

Staying true to my word, this is the 2ndentry (the first was posted 12 October 2011) stating a couple of ways in which a career in conservation and land management have been satisfying my desire for variety in a job:

Cercis orbiculata (western redbud) seeds collected for SOS

  • Tasks: The tasks I have been performing through my internship have been even more varied than the settings and conditions in which I work (refer to previous entry): collecting seeds and associated voucher specimens (which includes packaging and sending the seed as well as pressing and labeling the voucher specimens); identifying common plant species from which to collect seeds and monitoring these populations in order to collect the seeds when they are

    Collecting monitoring data for the federally endangered Ceanothus roderickii

    mature; recording rare plant monitoring data (transect, point intercept, plots, etc…sometimes while dodging poison oak!); developing spreadsheets for recordkeeping; conducting rare plant surveys; flagging rare plants and supervising an AmeriCorps team using chainsaws to cut down shrubs for a fuelbreak; distinguishing between male and female plants of the small dioecious rare bedstraw (also while trying to avoid poison oak);

    Stretching to find satellite reception with the GPS receiver

    operating GPS units to gather spatial data of both rare and invasive plant populations; making maps using ArcGIS; preparing website updates; engaging in trail maintenance; floating in a raft moving downstream to distribute cleaning supplies and toilet paper to composting toilets along the stream; meeting with neighbors to discuss fuel management concerns and solutions; removing yellow star thistle by hand or with a weed whacker; learning how to use a chainsaw; picking up trash; setting up a computer

  • A volunteer planting a propagated Ceanothus roderickii plant

    and projector for a public meeting at a community center or school; coordinating volunteer work days; participating in red-legged frog surveys and bird counts; shooting photos of our field work, plants, habitat, and human-inflicted disturbances/possible trespasses then labeling and organizing them; writing incident reports, press releases, annual reports, and blogs; designing a poster; revising brochures; creating and presenting presentations; guiding school students or adult members of the public on an

    Instructing middle school students about an oak woodland habitat

    educational hike through the Preserve; and more! I immensely appreciate that the diversity of specific jobs that need to be done require a well-rounded mix of physical activity, mental exercise, and social interaction.


  • Job Opportunities: As an intern looking forward to a non-intern job, I can look in a variety of sectors (as long as I’m willing to be somewhat flexible and a bit broad-focused until I get a foot in the door and establish myself). In addition to federal agencies (such as the BLM), I can look for jobs at other government levels (state, county, city), in academia, in the business arena, with non-profit organizations, or other groups within the private sector.


Chaparral habitat of the Sierra Nevada foothills & the South Fork American River

As you can see (from ALL of these blogs posted by other CLM interns), a career in land management and conservation offers a wide range of jobs with a seemingly infinite variety of actual tasks to be completed…so if you get bored easily and need a job that is not routine, consider working in conservation and land management. To find out if this is something that you’ll enjoy, explore your options and take advantage of volunteer opportunities as well as apply for related summer jobs and internships…and check out the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Conservation & Land Management Internship Program!

A bigger picture

Yesterday I attended the Utah Bat Conservation Cooperative meeting near Provo, UT. While I was there, it was fascinating to see how a group of public and private organizations worked together to describe issues with bat conservation, present on their current research and surveys, and outline a plan for continued management. During the long drive to the conference, my mentor told me about her passion for working for the BLM, her belief in multiple-use of landscapes, and her understanding that things aren’t always black and white—wildlife can be just as damaging as a herd of cattle.

At the end of my internship, these are only some of the things that I’ve come to recognize while working for this federal agency. Managing the public lands in the western states is an enormous job, and the people who are a part of that effort make up a vast network of beliefs, perhaps not always as passionate as my mentor’s or even aligned with her own. Somehow, this complex assembly of beliefs becomes manifested in individual projects, carried out in the field by people like me, and fits together into an increasingly more coherent picture as we look from project, to field office, to district, state, and eventually the nation. The fact that work conducted on the ground can bridge the gap to the seemingly distant and detached goals of the BLM as a whole is unbelievable. More than that, it is incredible that I have been a part of this system and that I’ve met some of the admirable people who, even at our lonely outpost in this small piece of the big picture, believe wholly in their significance in the grand scheme.

This opportunity has opened my eyes to the significance of land conservation efforts. I was given the chance to explore places that are completely foreign to me, see new wildlife, and assist in a variety of projects that gave me a wealth of unforgettable experiences. At times this seemed like a job that was too enjoyable to accomplish anything meaningful. At other times I would zoom out on a map to see how small my field office was in comparison to the entirety of the western states and the task of protecting all of this land seemed daunting. Admittedly, government work can appear sluggish, held back by its demand for extensive procedure, systematics, and red tape. But what I’ve learned is that it is sustained by individuals on the ground, scattered over the vastness of these public lands, who care deeply for the public land and its perpetuity. This is a comforting thought, and I cannot express my full appreciation for getting a chance to take part in the effort.

Admiring a willow exclosure along a stream

Providing fantastic educational activities for children is what we do!

Early winter in Cody, WY

At last, field season is winding down, and I am sad to see it go. Still, there are plenty of important things to be done in the office that will keep me plenty occupied until mid January. There are maps to be updated, monitoring data to be summarized, and letters to be sent out and people to be contacted in preparation for the winter eagle survey. There are still tasks that will take me out in the field occasionally: weed spraying, fence mending, fencing inventory, tagging along with the release of a rescued golden eagle, and possibly assisting Trout Unlimited rescue fish from the irrigation canals before they freeze. It’s nice to know I will not be bored, but I will be useful.

A couple of weeks ago we had a Montana Conservation Corps crew that came to help collect seeds and remove netwire. They were a great group, very positive and enthusiastic about the projects. We collected big basin sagebrush, wyoming sagebrush, greasewood, Utah juniper, and curlleaf mountain mahogany. The purpose of the netwire removal project was to facilitate the passage of pronghorn, who go under fences rather than over them. The netwire goes all the way to the ground, which blocks the pronghorn’s passage, so we changed the fence to have 2 strands of barbed wire and a bottom smooth wire so that the pronghorn can go under the fence without getting injured from barbs. It was especially important on the YU Bench area where we were working because it is part of a major pronghorn migration path. It’s extremely satisfying to know that there will be a direct benefit to wildlife from this project, as the problem fence has been an obstacle for the pronghorn for many years.

With 2 months to go for the first half of my internship, I have finally gotten involved in volunteering around here. One volunteer job is with the Park County Animal Shelter, and the other is with the Greater Yellowstone Raptor Experience at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. So far I’m still in training with holding the birds, which include a great horned owl, red-tailed hawk, turkey vulture, and peregrine falcon. During the summers they will have more programs where we may actually get to assist in flying and feeding the birds. I’m now even happier that I get to come back in March for another 6 months or so! You just can’t beat work and volunteer experiences like these here in Cody. I’ve probably said it for every blog entry I’ve posted, but I feel very fortunate to be here and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

Rare Buckwheats

We have recently been doing a lot of surveying for Eriogonum robustum, a rare buckwheat that only grows on altered andesite soils and is only known from the Virginia Range in western Nevada and from one other area near Reno. It’s pretty country, and the soil type really stands out because of its color and because it’s sparsely vegetated, and often the vegetation is unusual for the area. You don’t often see tree species like jeffrey pine and especially white fir and western white pine in the area otherwise.

We also recently did some surveying for another rare buckwheat, Eriogonum diatomaceum. It only grows in diatomaceous earth, and it is only known from diatomaceous deposits in Churchill Narrows in western NV. We did some surveying in Mineral County, NV, and though we didn’t find any E. diatomaceum, we did come across some huge mining pits. Part of me was bothered by them because huge areas were completely torn up and deeply excavated. It’s public land. It belongs to everyone, but mining interests were allowed to destroy it to get what they wanted and then leave the rest of us with a permanently altered landscape. But at the same time…it looked really cool. Dune-like mounds of white, diatomaceous earth bordering white, canyon-like pits that might have beautiful, exposed strata. Was it worth it? Plants are growing all over it, so it’s not like it’s barren and sterile, and maybe what was there before was a lot less interesting. But then maybe what was there before was amazing, and it was ruined partly so that house cats can more conveniently go to the bathroom indoors (diatomaceous earth is used for cat litter, among other things). I’ll never know.


We are now into November and while most folks are leaving their summer posts I’m lucky enough to still be around here in the Southwest. My partner has left for other adventures, so, with the help of my mentor I have made 25 seed collections on my own.  Both of us are happy about that. But there are still more collections to be made for the fiscal year 2012. We are beginning to explore different areas, and we have gotten lucky a few times and were able to make a couple of collections. Sometimes we come back empty handed, but we have made maps to make it easier for next years collections. Arizona is the prettiest state that I have been in. The habitats, wildlife and, of course,  plants are extraordinary  to say the least.

Seeding Our Future

Did anyone see the 23 September 2011 issue of Science Magazine?  It has a “News and Analysis” article written by Elizabeth Pennisi on the importance of seed banking that mentions the Seeds of Success program. The article highlights a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project whose goal is to compare plants grown from stored seeds with plants that will be collected decades from now.  Researchers will then look to see how species have reacted to various environmental changes.  Our collections could potentially be used to supplement projects like this.

Whether used to restore lost biodiversity, or to supply future researchers with viable seed, our collections will be put to good use.  So pat yourself on the back SOS interns!  The work we are doing is important.

-Aaron Thom

(Hollister, CA BLM office)