
We are now into November and while most folks are leaving their summer posts I’m lucky enough to still be around here in the Southwest. My partner has left for other adventures, so, with the help of my mentor I have made 25 seed collections on my own.  Both of us are happy about that. But there are still more collections to be made for the fiscal year 2012. We are beginning to explore different areas, and we have gotten lucky a few times and were able to make a couple of collections. Sometimes we come back empty handed, but we have made maps to make it easier for next years collections. Arizona is the prettiest state that I have been in. The habitats, wildlife and, of course,  plants are extraordinary  to say the least.

Seeding Our Future

Did anyone see the 23 September 2011 issue of Science Magazine?  It has a “News and Analysis” article written by Elizabeth Pennisi on the importance of seed banking that mentions the Seeds of Success program. The article highlights a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project whose goal is to compare plants grown from stored seeds with plants that will be collected decades from now.  Researchers will then look to see how species have reacted to various environmental changes.  Our collections could potentially be used to supplement projects like this.

Whether used to restore lost biodiversity, or to supply future researchers with viable seed, our collections will be put to good use.  So pat yourself on the back SOS interns!  The work we are doing is important.

-Aaron Thom

(Hollister, CA BLM office)