Hot Weather and Cool Water


It’s been hotter than a billy goat’s backside in a pepper patch!  Monday peaked at 101, yesterday was 104, and it doesn’t look like today will be much better.

Because of this, we have been having to pick our seed scouting and collecting locations wisely (in terms of shade and elevation).  It appears that a lot of the lowland species are all tapped out, if not prime for the picking right now. We have gotten lucky the past few days and stumbled upon 4 new species (Trifolium microcephalum, Juncus effusus, Eriogonum nudum, Sedum spathulifolium) that we had not previously scouted out, but located at the perfect collecting time.

Another location requirement we have been calling to our attention is water sources.  Not only is this due to species flourishing along creeks, rivers, and lakes later on in the season, but also because there are fewer things in this world better than jumping into ice cold water on a scorching hot day.  A quick dip in a snow melt river can keep you collecting seeds for hours in the peak heat of the day.

Rainie Falls on The Wild and Scenic  Rouge River

Rainie Falls on The Wild and Scenic Rouge River

The Wild and Scenic Illinois River

The Wild and Scenic Illinois River


Mentzelia laevicaulis (Blazing Star)

Mentzelia laevicaulis (Blazing Star)