It has been a while since I last posted, but things haven’t really changed too much. The major news is that the golden eagle nest that I have been closely monitoring has produced 2 chicks that have survived. They should have fledged a couple weeks ago, but still are hanging out at the nest, apparently reluctant to head out into the real world (I get where they are coming from). This was a major victory for us, as the eagles in this area have been unsuccessful many consecutive years, presumably due to climbers in close proximity. To celebrate the occasion I even made a cake (I am going to bring it into the office tomorrow).
In other non-eagle related news, I just got a new work truck. While I really loved my 2012 white Chevy, after a short drive from Portland back to the office, I have really come to fall in love with my sparkling new 2017 Ford F-150. Starting off with only 5 miles on it, I should be able to add some miles this summer!! I am sure the whole wildlife department are also going to be quite happy in the upgrade to the truck.
In terms of what I am doing now, I have finished up a flurry of bat-related work and am going to go back to Juniper clearances to improve habitat for sage-grouse. For the bats, I set up acoustic detectors and then return then next day to collect them and the memory cards which stored the recorded calls. I also got to go out mist netting with my boss, although I was not able to handle bats due to my lack of a rabies shot. This was really fun and I even got some cool photos and some video.

Townsend’s Big Eared Bat
Cool video of a bat flying away (sorry that you have to download it and then open it).
All in all things are going quite well as we make our way into the heart of summer. Hopefully, the work continues to be diverse and diverting through the rest of the year!