Alaskan phenology, plant ecology, and harvest time

It seems like all of a sudden it is the end of July.  The fireweed started blooming about a week ago, marking the height of summer.  Some days, when it’s rainy and cold for days on end, I have to remind myself that it is actually the middle of summer.  Sunny days are like gold here, where everyone tries to take full advantage of them and they are not taken for granted.  The other day I heard the wind blow through the aspens and they seemed to say that fall is drawing near.  The seasons go so quickly in Southcentral Alaska, it’s astounding.  These urgent reminders of time passing are also reflected in the plants which seem to appear full grown suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere.  I try not to feel anxious, but these signs tell me that our seed gathering season is right around the bend and it will be go time any day now.

Fireweed in bloom marks the height of summer….and signifies how much of it we have left.

This past month has been a crash course into the native flora of the Chugach National Forest on the Kenai Peninsula.  I’m pleased with the amount I’ve learned over the past two months, and grateful to get to know an area through this lens.  I remember when I got here in the end of May, I maybe recognized three to five plants.  Now when I walk through the forest I see dozens of familiar faces.  The list of ~30 priority plant species along with their Latin names that our mentor Peter handed us the first week sent my mind spiraling at the time.  Now my co-intern, Sam, and I are using their latin names left and right as we hunt for good patches of them to harvest from, map their size and location, and dig voucher specimens to help confirm the ID of the plant before putting in an herbarium later on.

Sam and I, scouting plant populations near Palmer Creek Road on the North side of the Kenai Peninsula.
Gentiana glauca – an Alaskan sub-alpine to alpine species.

At first, Peter, our mentor, wanted us to simply become familiar with the plants and ecological makeup of the region and so we utilized a combination of identifying plants through iNaturalist, an Alaska Wildflowers plant app, and keying them out with local floras (especially the grasses and sedges).  Hands on experience makes such a difference in this step.  Initially, I researched plants on our priority species list online before we went out and found them in the field.  This type of memorization is quite taxing and not incredibly effective, though.  Although not for the first time, I was reminded that that something special happens when you get to know a plant in person within its native habitat.  A special type of memory and recognition lodges deep within the heart when I meet a plant in person that I cannot receive by putting information into the memory bank in my mind through a book or computer alone.

Valeriana capitata, Capitate Valerian.  Vibernum edule, Highbush Cranberry.  Elliottia pyroliflora, Copperbush.  Arinica latifolia, Broadleaf Arnica. Eriophorum angustifolium, Tall Cottongrass. Aconitum napellus, Monkshood. Delphinium glaucum, Sierra Larkspur. Heuchera glabra, Alpine Alumroot.

Aconitum napellus, Monkshood. An elegant, yet poisonous, plant.

I’ve been quite astounded by one of the first plants I noticed in Alaska.  When I arrived here in the end of May, just as the plants were beginning to grow, there was an odd thick green pad growing from a woody, spiny stalk at about the height of my knee.  It surprised me, as it almost looked like a cactus.  I was very drawn to it and intrigued.  Once it started growing past it’s sprouting/reawakening stage, this plant transformed completely, growing broad wide leaves larger than dinner plates, with incredibly spiny stalks that pushed up 7-8+ feet above the ground with a wing span beyond 10ft in diameter.  I began noticing this plant everywhere, and later realized what a prevalent species it is to the region, abundant in almost every understory.  I very quickly learned that the common name for this plant is Devil’s Club, due to the large spines that cover the stalks and leaves of this plant. With a latin name of, Oplopanax horridus, both of its names are teaming with intimidation.  But despite the evil connotations embedded within its names, I have come to respect this plant deeply, due to its resilience, abundance, and formidable nature. 

Devil’s Club – Oplopanax horridus

Additionally, I’ve come to appreciate this plant the more I learn about its ecological functions and healing properties.  Although the berries are toxic to humans, they are an important food source for bears.  This is true to the extent that bears, more so than birds, have been found to have the greatest impact on spreading the seed of devil’s club, in turn affecting its population size and prevalence across the landscape.  The plant is also said to grow in areas that have been disturbed by humans, especially those impacted by logging.  Indigenous and local people utilize the stem and the root of this plant medicinally.  It is said to have a wide range of potent healing properties, including a strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Sam collecting a voucher speciemen of Eriophorum angustifolium in a muskeg.

Because we are working to restore a riparian area and build several wetland areas, the primary species we are looking to gather seed from are also riparian and wetland species.  This includes many sedges and grasses, a couple rushes, and a few forbs.  Thus, as a side effect of trying to find and identify the primary species on our list, my co-intern, Sam, and I have grown an unexpected love for sedges over the past month.  Upon first glance, sedges aren’t as wow-ing as wildflowers or trees.  But needing to utilize a microscope to key out these special plants has deeply developed our appreciation and admiration for these special plants.   

Carex aquatilis, Water Sedge.

First off, sedges are incredibly unique and gorgeous on a microscopic level.  Their reproductive structures, otherwise known as the perigynia, are full of trichomes throwing light every which way and creating brilliant hues of subtle earthen colors.  The perigynium, which encapsulates the seed, often has a beak coming off of it, from which the stigma emerges.  The stigmas are also beautiful and feather-like.  Some sedges have bisexual flowers and others have unisexual flowers, giving them vastly different and interesting appearances.  Lastly, sedges, obviously, have edges, which never cease to amaze me with their triangular stem shape.

Eriophorum angustifolium under the microscope, one of the priority sedges on our list.

Sedges are also important to the greater ecological function of an environment.  First, sedges are an important source of food for many animals in the area including bears, muskrats, mountain goats, musk oxen, geese, ducks, and insects.  Sedges also provide crucial transitional habitat in the zone between aquatic and terrestrial environments and important nesting habitats for geese, waterfowl, raptors and songbirds, as well as habitats for macroinvertebrates.  Some species provide important habitat and food for salmon.  In additional to being a pillar of the food web and providing critical habitat, sedges also are important to warding off erosion, stabilizing riparian banks, and filtering out toxic material from the water.  They remove pollutants and sediments from the water, improving its quality.  Two of the sedges we are gathering the seed from – Carex lenticularis and Carex aquatilis – have been identified as an early plant successional stage plants.  They are also deemed pioneer species of exposed mineral substrates that will persist indefinitely once established and limit the presence of other species.

Juncus sp. A rush and its seeds underneath the microscope.

The last plant that I want to highlight is another one that is on our list of priority species to gather seeds from. It has been interesting getting to know, within the broad category of riparian species, some more specific aspects and niches that certain plants prefer. This particular plant that I’ve been especially drawn to is named Angelica lucida, or Seacoast Angelica.  It is a species that is native to this region but present only in certain areas.  The first few weeks I didn’t see any.  Then, one day when I was working alone and Angelica was on the top of my list of plants I wanted to find that day.  During the middle of the day, I decided to sit down at a picnic table next to a lake to have lunch.  I had been hiking around all morning, identifying and mapping plant populations near Trail River, finding interesting plants, but no Angelica.  Then, as I sat at the picnic table, I happened to look over and there was one lone Angelica lucida standing regally in front of a tree.  It almost felt like a joke or a beautiful coincidence, or something in between. And although I took pictures to confirm with my mentor when I got back, I had a deep surety that this was the plant I’d been looking for.

Sam collecting a voucher specimen, featuring Angelica lucida and Polemonium acutiflorum.

I have to say, I love it when this happens.  When you’ve been looking for a plant for a while, one you’ve never seen before, you don’t know exactly what it looks like but once you finally stumble upon it there comes a deep surety, a deep knowing, bordering on intuition, that you’ve found it.  I’ve since found this plant in select areas but it has definitely increased in quantity as the season has progressed.  It seems to prefer a little bit more of either alpine conditions or proximity to seacoasts.  I later found out that this plant also has strong medicinal qualities including being a strong antibacterial, digestive, and stimulant to the circulatory system. 

As the blueberries begin to ripen here on the Kenai Peninsula, we are hastily mapping out as many populations of our priority species as we can before the seeds are ready.  Based on phenology and timing of harvest last year, it seems the lupine will be the first that we will harvest, starting as soon as the end of this week.  I presume we will then enter into a frenzy period where we will harvest as much as quickly as possible before the dormant period hits.  I foresee quite a bit of harvesting during the next month, both in and outside of work.  As the grass and sedge seeds ripen, so will the blueberries, salmonberries, nagoon berries, highbush cranberries, bunch berries, raspberries, and watermelon berries.  Additionally, salmon fishing is in full swing here on the Peninsula, and I hope to harvest some of those as well.  This next month is going to be a very wild and busy time, as we try to soak up the last strong rays of that warm golden light, and bask in the abundance that is so prevalent in Alaska this time of year!

Twisted Stalk aka Watermelon Berries, ripening.

Fun Seed Collection Plants

Now that I am well settled in my forest and becoming more experienced with the botanical landscape of the region, my co-intern and I have begun conducting more in-depth scouting of target species for seed collection. Although I get nervous hearing that interns at other forests have already been collecting seed, LTBMU seems to be unique in that a lot of its native plants will begin seeding within the next month or two.

One species that I have been seeing a lot is Anderson’s thistle (Cirsium vulgare). This Asteraceae member has bright pink flowers and is mildly spiny. It also grows from one to a few stems, whereas the invasive bull thistle (Cirsium vulgaris) is generally much more highly branched. The majority of the populations I have seen are in the process of flowering, with only a few individuals in each beginning to seed. Interestingly, some of the largest populations I have visited are growing in an area burned by the Caldore Fire in 2021, which was among the largest known in California.

Anderson’s thistle
Caldor Fire line

A target species that has become one of my favorites is Eriogonum wrightii. This low growing, silver-leafed member of the family Polygonaceae likes dry and rocky areas. Its small white flowers and small, matting habit make it, in my opinion, a very adorable plant.

Eriogonum wrightii
Eriogonum wrightii flowers

Other collection plants we have scouted include squirreltail (Elymus elymoides), spreading dogbane (Apocynum androsaemifolium), Brewer’s lupine (Lupinus breweri), and heart-leaf milkweed (Ascelpias cordifolia, which showed signs of possible monarch butterfly herbivory). Besides that, I have been enjoying the amazing views whenever I get the chance.

Trail on the way to Grass Lake

Ape. Together. Strong.

It sucks when it’s really hot. It sucks when you’re outside all day and you have to wear long sleeves because you are clamoring through seven foot tall woody shrubs. You start realizing that your brain only knows where your foot ends and not where your boot ends, so you keep tripping and almost falling into the mud below. At some point though in your grumbly stampede, you feel the sun radiating on your skin and the shrubs falling away- heaven is that you?

No, it’s a meadow.

The beginning of our journey

I look around, blinded by the sudden light shift. To my left – yarrow. To my right – more yarrow. A plant that we have found so often, it is practically of no use.1 I walk five more feet and feel myself sinking. My boot is ankle deep in mud and in order to get out, I’m forced to rely on the strength given to me by the hit workout series that my coworker and I have been tearing up in the gym – Hip Hop Abs. We plunge onward in our squishy search for a diamond in the rough. Mosquitos pimple my face as we scout for what seems like hours. The sun is scorching us, and in fear of heat exhaustion, we decide to call it and head back through the shrubs. In our retreat, one particular shrub has had enough of my stomping, and she scratches me right across the face. At this point, my frustrations reach such a high that I find myself in the midst of an inner crisis. I’m tired. I’m stinky. My protein bar has melted. My water has dirt in it, and I’m beginning to question why I even came out here.

Hip Hop Abs courtesy of the Detroit District’s gym!!! Ella and I have been unsuccessful in convincing Katie of its top tier health benefits.

Then, like angels coming down from the heavens, I hear the operatic voices of my darlings, Katie and Ella, as they call out, “Let’s work it on the remix.” The words strike my ears in such bliss that I am compelled to join in, and we continue to sing a perfectly-tuned rendition of “The girl, so confusing version with Lorde.” The shrubs no longer seem so tall, my thirst recedes, and as we emerge from the brush, I look around. In front of me lies blueberries – Mother Nature’s nourishment after a weary journey. I thank her for her gifts and beg for forgiveness for my tude (and the murder of her twiggy children).

Most of our days go something like this. We spend lots of time researching meadows and finding previous recordings of native plants. We drive down bumpy roads, trek through the forest in the midst of the hot summer, only to find ourselves entrenched in wet meadows. It gets really miserable. However, the magic lies in whistling while you work. I am forever grateful to have two wonderful coworkers who are always down to sing and laugh at our situation. We make up our own little songs and currently have about 12 ideas primed for an album. All this just to say that the Willamette Forest crew is staying strong. We have actually found a couple of good native plant populations, and our yarrow identification skills are breaching on mastery. We will prevail, and we will emerge not only with beautifully pressed monkey flowers and bountiful fireweed harvests, but also with an album that will (most likely) go triple platinum in every country. 

1 I hate defining organisms as “useful” or “use,” but my limited vocabulary has me stumped. To elaborate, I disagree with the idea that nature should only be valuable when it is inherently valuable to humans. Whether that be because it’s beautiful, it has medicinal properties, or it provides some ecosystem service. I hear it all the time when people joke about extinguishing mosquitos. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard something along the lines of, “What purpose do they even serve? They’re annoying, they spread disease, and they’re not even a primary food source for anything.” I don’t think species protection should be based on how useful we find them. Does life not have a right to exist simply because it does?

Making Friends on the Bighorns

My second month working in the Bighorn National Forest has meant becoming “friends” with a whole suite of new things. First and foremost, the list of species we’ve been given to guide our seed collection is slowly starting to take shape in front of me and my co intern in the mountains, Nick Gjording. We’re starting to connect the plants’ names, their appearance, and where they’re found (surprise, surprise, Erigeron speciosus, common name Aspen fleabane, is most often found in stands of aspen trees!). It may have taken a while but we’re getting to familiarity, though there are still many times where we have to take a plant specimen back with us to the office to get the opinion of the forest botanist (those needlegrass species just look so darn similar, and don’t get me started on trying to key out asters).

The month of July has meant introduction to even more blooming plants as well. Getting farther on in the growing season means that we can look for more than just vegetation and finally have some flowers as reference (if you’ve ever successfully identified a plant you’ve never seen before just based on the leaves please show me your ways). But in come the flowers of plants like Chamerion angustifolium (fireweed) and Liatris punctata (dotted blazing star) and an increase of color on the mountain.

Getting into July has also come with realizing that we may not even meet some of the plants we were hoping to become friends with because the mountain range is just too high in elevation. Though this growing season has been more delayed than usual, thank goodness for the two canyons on the mountains for managing to be lower than 6000 feet. They have meant that we have already made our first seed collections of the field season.

Me collecting seed from Koeleria macrantha (June grass) in Tensleep Canyon

Time passing also brought an opportunity to get closer to my forest coworkers. That includes figuring out what random conversation starters to use during the many hours Nick and I spend driving around the forest looking for plants (though any conversations we begin are bound to get interrupted by some kind of plant sighting). We also had the opportunity to work on stream surveys and camp with the combination aquatics/botany crew working on the mountain.

Getting later on in the summer also means some other friends are coming onto the mountains. In fact, a moose and her (maybe one month old) calf spent a whole afternoon near our stream survey area. They had a great time chomping down on the willows near the bank, which were only present thanks to the restoration work of the aquatics team. By the end of the work day, it almost felt like the moose and her calf were extra coworkers helping out with the surveys.

July in Wyoming is also something special because it’s cowboy season. The past couple of weeks have seen the cows coming onto the mountains for grazing (in specific agreements with the Bighorn range department). This has already meant some extra friendly faces but also means impeded roads, and a more complicated scouting process. Being in the cowboy state may mean that we have to plan carefully to make sure we’re not entering a cow grazing area, but it also meant I had the opportunity to go to my first rodeo, which felt very Wyoming (and if you have the chance, watch some Indian Relay Races, you won’t be disappointed).

The warmer days have also brought bugs, some desirable and some not so much. The mosquitoes came out full force on our camping trips, and the flies are truly something else. I was not expecting that one protocol I’d need to develop during my internship would be how to get all of the flies out of the car when we’re leaving an area, but Nick and I are becoming experts. Arguably, a highlight of one of our weeks was going to an almost 10,000 foot high ridge, where the flies hadn’t invaded yet. Countering the mosquitos and flies are countless butterflies, beetles, and bees. In fact, there’s nothing like a quick break from looking at plants to watch the bumblebees do their thing.

Our high elevation reprieve

So as this month comes to a close, I reflect on how many new friends I’ve made, and look forward to the ones that are coming next.

Me with some of the friends I made in Tongue River Canyon

July in Photos

One thing about me is that I love to take pictures. I don’t have a professional camera or anything; I just enjoy pulling out my phone to capture moments that catch my eye. Which happens to be quite often.

Writing doesn’t come as naturally to me as taking photos, so for this post, I’ve decided to take you on an adventure through my camera roll from the month. I think it’s the best representation of how I spend my time here in Oregon.

July 1st, 3:24 PM
On the first of the month, Ella and I did a driving test and filled out reimbursement forms. Very exciting day.
July 2nd, 11:25 AM
We joined the wildlife crew for the day to scout for pollinators and amphibians. We worked in beautiful areas and I had a great time catching bees (and the occasional unhappy hornet), frogs, and even a rubber boa. It was memorable, and I hope we get to work with the wildlife crew more often. The photo is my coworker Ash looking very professional and awesome, taken by Ella. I’m not sure where I was when this photo was taken, but I was probably frolicking nearby.
July 3rd, 2:38 PM
This was our first day scouting alone. Honestly, we weren’t very successful in finding seeds to collect. However, I did find this Uroctonus mordax, known as the western forest scorpion, which I think is pretty cool.
July 4th, 8:47 PM
For the Fourth of July, we drove out to California. We watched the sunset and fireworks on Pebble Beach, and Ella built a campfire. Ash took this photo of the sunset.
July 5th, 1:45 PM
We explored the Redwoods (little known fact: they’re big trees), a lagoon, and Fern Canyon.
July 6th, 3:11 PM
Disaster struck. We went on one last walk (for less than an hour!) before heading back home, and my car got broken into. Ash’s backpack was stolen, but luckily there was nothing important in it besides their wallet, glasses, clothing, AirPods, sentimental items, and some other things. The police were dismissive, the insurance couldn’t hear me because of the cell service, AAA said they couldn’t help because we were far from an open repair shop, and the ranger on duty was unavailable. We covered the windows with hammocks, drove to Walmart, bought plastic wrap and tape, used a hammer to clear out the rest of the passenger window, covered it with wrap, and drove a very noisy and nauseous drive back to Oregon.

July 7th was dedicated to recovering and unhelpful phone calls.

July 8th, 1:17 PM
My camera roll from this day is just filled with plants we were scouting. Can’t we just sit and appreciate this beauty for a moment?
July 9th, 7:29 PM
Ash is the most dedicated and talented belly-flopper I know. It’s admirable and inspiring. This particular frame is from a rope swing under a suspension bridge near Detroit Ranger Station.
July 10th, 12:33 PM
There was a forest-wide picnic and we dared to socialize… This photo was taken while Ella (in the light green shirt near the back of the line) was ominously texting Ash that she could see them. Ash (in the purple shirt near the front) was very confused because they couldn’t figure out where Ella was.
July 11th, 3:18 PM
Hey! That’s my last name!
July 12th, 12:07 PM
Several days before this, I made an appointment at Safelite, giving them all the details on my vehicle and which windows needed replacing. This was the day of the appointment. We drove over an hour to Keizer to get the job done (while listening to the plastic aggressively wave in the wind), and then they told us they accidentally ordered the wrong windows. The front desk lady was lighthearted and kindly informed us that they make this mistake all the time (why would you admit this to me, especially after I had to pay $550 to schedule the appointment). We rescheduled. At least Ella and I found a good sandwich place afterward before heading back home.
July 13th, 6:31 PM
I was reading No Country for Eight-Spot Butterflies and loved this page. I resonated with “As an activist on the ground, I have often suspected that it is harder for people to rush to the rescue of a world whose magic they have not encountered for themselves, have not seen, felt, touched, turned over in their own hands.” I know that the love I have for the Earth is both a direct cause and product of the time I spend interacting with it. When you don’t spend time with people, animals, plants, and environments you love, you don’t understand the dedication people have to protecting them. My activism all stems from love for the people, things, and places around me.
July 14th, 9:50 PM
I decided that I needed to dye my hair, and Ella obliged. Don’t worry! You’ll get to see the results later in the blog.
July 15th, 5:30 PM
While collecting data on native plant populations, we usually take a photo of the population. For this photo, I decided that Ash should be included with the Acmispon americanus.
July 16th, 2:51 PM
Our first time pressing plants at Willamette! Very awesome!
July 17th, 4:14 PM
Our cubicle now has name-tags (which have since been decorated with Squishmallow stickers).
July 18th, 9:09 AM
I found this lichen while scouting for native plants. I believe it’s part of the Cladonia genus, but I’m not positive.
July 19th, 1:44 PM
Ella and a GIANT thistle at The Oregon Garden. Today, we went to Safelite again and actually got the glass replaced this time!
July 20th, 5:13 PM
We visited Portland and Multnomah Falls. I haven’t seen so many people in one place in a while, so it was a bit overwhelming. Multnomah Falls is Oregon’s tallest waterfall and the most-visited natural recreation site in the Pacific Northwest. Big deal, I guess. Also, hey! Dyed hair!
July 21st, 2:16 PM
We went to Barnes & Noble because if there’s anything I need more of, it’s books. I purchased All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks, How to Disappear: Notes on Invisibility in a Time of Transparency by Akiko Busch, and Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.
July 22nd, 11:14 AM
We did sensitive plant monitoring on Bachelor Mountain. Pretty cool. Ash had a doctor’s appointment and didn’t come to work. Ella and I are still recovering from this betrayal.
July 23rd, 9:42 AM
That brings us to today. As I’m writing this blog, it’s the morning of Tuesday, July 23rd. We are going to head to a meadow today for more native plant scouting. I had a really good breakfast this morning and slept very well, so I’m feeling particularly chipper. I don’t think Ella and Ash relate. See you next month!